Broken Bond

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Another bond broken

Destroyed by words spoken from the mouth of someone she trusted

Spoken by her own sister

Exploiting the one thing she is most insecure about

Using what she told in secret against her

Saying it because she could always get away with is in the past

But now is not the past

She couldn't take it anymore

She stuck up for herself

Stuck up for what shouldn't have been a joke

She couldn't let herself be used again

She stuck with it till the bittersweet end

She had to block out her own sister

No more contact so she can heal from what has been said

It all pained her so much to do

But she feels free now

So free she can fly and touch the sky


Hi guys!! As you can see, I decided to keep this book going a bit longer. I felt like writing today, so I wrote two new things to be posted. 

This takes place over the course of almost 2 months. Yes, my sister is still blocked. She's been blocked since the day before my birthday, which was almost a month ago. Do I feel like I could actually touch the sky, no, but it felt amazing not having her and her comments around me.

How are you doing? Be honest and you are more than welcome to rant if that will help.

I hope everything's good!!

Until We Meet Again


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