Her Last Attempt

18 2 8

*** You should know this is a warning for self-harm but if you are this far into the story of my life you already know this***

She sits in her bad at night

all alone

listening to music and crying

for the past few months

everything's been hard for her

her father leaving

her grandmother dying

her sister betraying her

her traumatic past coming back into her live

and yet she tells no one

she bottles up her emotions

till she wants to cut

but she writes

as a last attempt to not

but with all that's happened

that last attempt was to no avail

for the razor was out

and blood was dripping

before she even finish writing


Hi. I have nothing to really say about this because this was just how my night went. I hate that I cut because I was finally a month clean and then I wasn't. I have been crying for the past 3 hours off and on and I just want it to stop. I want someone to stop my crying, to stop me from cutting because the longer I sit in my bed and think is the longer I realize how unhealthy my actions toward myself are but I've been doing it for years now and I don't know how to stop.

How are thing going for you with everything going on?

Any suggestions to stop cutting? 

At this point I can use them, as long as I don't have to tell my family because my mom would say I'm being a coward with how I'm dealing with my emotions and I don't want to listen to her yell at me for it.

Hope you are all doing good and don't get covid-19 because that would be bad

Peace out Wild One's

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