21 Guns ~ Green Day

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Secrets. We all have them and we all have that one person we tell all our secrets.

But as anyone stopped and thought about how that person feels. I mean they get told secrets by probably everyone in their life because they are there. They are either trustable, very quite, or have social anxiety so they don't talk to people.

As anyone every thought that maybe telling them not to tell anyone is slowly driving them insane, because they know everyones secrets but they aren't allowed to tell anyone, so everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie. Even when they say their fine or they have nevet thought of leaving this Earth because they don't know how to tell anyone the truth because their entire live is a lie. And they don't tell anyone because they are too scared that people will leave them. And then they will be left alone with their thoughts and they don't know if they could live through that.

Their broken and no one knows.



So I wrote this one a while ago but I find it right to post today because the friend that trust the most told me she might be moving and if she leaves I don't if I can survive. I have only known her a few months but we tell each other everything and keep each other alive. She has been there for me when I just break down and me for her and I dont want her to leave me.

What are you doing for Christmas?

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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