Update + Author's Note

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I'm here tp give a little bit of an update involving this book. I still don't know when I will be back but I have been writing here and there. I have a few just really small and random one's written down if you would like me to past those as one big part I can, so should I?

On a different note, I do have more stuff to write about because my sister checked herself into a mental hospital, didn't tell me she checked out against medical advice to move in with my father and has basically replaced me with my dads step daughter. She has also threated to put me in a mental hospital herself if I don't talk about my selfharm (which has had a relapse because of her), trauma and other things that are mental not ok with me at my next doctors appointment. I think I would have handled this better if she texted me like we use to but no; she text me like my father text me. I don't know what to do anymore. The only support I have now where I live is my dog. Any tips or like just anything that might help?

Song: Keep Your Head Up Princess ~ Anson Seabra

Until We Meet Again


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