Bathroom Floor

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Do you ever just get a crash wave of feelings
Like you've been through so much
And you didn't know what to feel
Until one day it all just came crashing into you
And you feel so weak and vulnerable
So you cry your eyes out
Till your eyes are no long discovering new tears
And your just a mess on the bathroom floor
Reaching for someone to help that's far out of reach
Hoping for someone to walk through the door and help you for once
And you realize why you had ending like this
Because your father has a new family that doesn't involve you
Your mother is almost never home because friends are more important
Remembering the last phone call you had a week ago with doctors office telling you bad news
And to schedule new appointments to find out what's wrong this time
Even after that you still aren't done realizing why you're like this
Because you don't eat and you don't sleep and you haven't loved yourself in years
And you use that to blame yourself for everything


Hi guys been a few weeks. I hope you are all good because I know I'm not. I've been extremely stressed with finding out what wrong with me but the doctors think they know. It has to do with my spine not my hips so that means I have to go to even more appointments to find out the exact cause and how to make it better.

How is everyone?
I hope it's all good

Until We Meet Again

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