Why Her?

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There the oddly quiet girl in the back.

Why so quiet? Why so alone?

The truth is no one notices her.

She's oddly quiet because she doesn't want to force someone into a conversation with her.

She is always alone because she pushes everyone away cause there are better people there then her.

So why?

Why must she be the one to brake her of her solitude, only to break her later?

Why did she stick with the quiet girl who was always alone?

What did she want?

Why did she talk to her that day?

Why couldn't she just leave her alone?

Because her is me and she has shattered an already cracked and broken reflection.


Hi, I didn't take as long to put out a new story. So here is the newest update of my life. My friend who I am talk about quite a lot on here is no longer my friend because I was not good enough for her. I started to question why she started talking to me in the first place if she was just going to leave me because I'm the quiet girl in the back of the class with no friends. I knew when she started talking I should not have responded to save myself from losing a friend that would with out doubt leave, but I was always alone and someone finally talked to me and wanted to have a connection with someone but I guess I should have just ignored her.

How are things going for y'all?

Hope all is well.

Peace Out Wild One's 

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