Saviour ~ Black Veil Brides

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The other day I was just scrolling through social media and I found an entire page dedicated to why the music I listen to and the bands I look up too are satanic. I really didn't have a problem with it because everyone has their own opinions on my type of music. But one comment I had a problem with, it said " yeah I know these band talk about self-harm, mental health and staying alive through the bad times in life, but the music is horrible and shouldn't exist, like really these bands have their own summer show called Warp Tour that is too much for bands that are that bad." Normally I just dont mind comments that talk about Warped and the bands being bad, but this person knew that these bands have saved countless lives through their music, whether it was their singing, their screams, their lyrics, their guitar riffs, their bass is the song or even their drums, this person thinks their so bad. But their really not the person just didn't understand that sometimes these bands are the only reason some of us are still on this earth today and without them we would let our depression, all our anxitys, all our issues personal or not get to us and we recently give up and just leave this world at our own hands. So please don't judge a band just because they wear all black clothing, makeup, have long hair and scream because maybe just maybe someday those bands that you judged will become the only reason you are still alive today.



So this is something I wrote about a month back when I was first told that because some of the music I listen to screams that I'm not allowed to play my music at school, then I saw that comment and wrote this. I will admit there was a time in my life that I though all the bands I listen to now where band because society thought they where bad but then I saw society for what it truly was, a fuck up system that thinks it that people have to be a certain way. But the bands safed me from myself and im thankful to all of them for saving me when everyone else in my life gave up.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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