Fallen Angels ~ Black Veil Brides

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Our whole lives we have been told to be ourselves. But we can't be ourselves in today's society.

Today's society sets this standards that they want everyone to follow. And the moment you take one step away from these standards you are outcasted.

These standards have outcasted so many amazing, sweet, kind and intelligent people because they dress different, listen to different type of music or don't keep up with the top 20 charts.

Why should how we dress or the music we listen too have to affect if we are acceptable or not.

The people who follow these standards are being brainwashed to think that if you don't keep up with the newest trends or the latest craz that you are weird and should be outcasted.

What if every outcast got together and broke these standards?

These standards that everyone has needs to stop because it is slowly breaking the world apart. These standards are causing people pain.

While everyone is trying to say that they want to help but these people follow those standards. Which then causes pain instead of help these standards need to stop for the sake of humanity.



So it's Christmas. Merry Christmas. I know I should be more happy about Christmas but at my house Christmas means that the police are going to be called on my brother and then my brother and mom are going to get in a argument about my nephew. Which has happened the passed 3 fucking years. Sorry I try not to cuse on here but that sentence deserves it. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas if you celebrate it.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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