Troublesome News

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The group consisting of Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman squad, Hange Zoe squad and Arden Croix squad had all reached the courthouse. MP's were swarming everywhere, giving looks of disgust to the members of the Scout Regiment and Garrison Regiment.

The Military Police had always believed they were superior to everyone else, when in truth they were a bunch of low life jackasses with a superiority complex. Not to mention the biggest cowards of the three Regiments. They chose to be MP's to live safely and lavishly behind the walls of the interior, all under the guise of wanting to protect the King.

Erwin, Levi and Arden walked side by side through the halls of the courthouse. There was a comfortable silence between the three leaders. Though one of them did have a question swirling in his mind.

"So how do you two know each other?" Levi questioned whilst keeping his steel grey eyes forward.

Erwin glanced over at Levi, not expecting the sudden break of silence. Then he spoke, "We've been acquainted a few times. Whether on business or by chance, depending on the situation and-"

"Pixis got us drunk together." Arden simply stated as she continued to stare forward.

Levi turned to her, slightly surprised that she would cut off the Commander whilst he was talking.

But Erwin didnt show any anger towards the disrespectful act, instead he chuckled and smiled at her, "As blunt as ever Arden. You could've at least protected my dignity."

"What dignity?" She immediately fired back with a joke. Though her blank expression took away from the humour.

Levi raised a brow at her as he continued to observe her. He was trying to read something from her face, some kind of emotion but there really wasn't anything to find.

A new voice suddenly cut through the conversation, "I see you're still friendly with Commander Erwin." Commander Dot Pixis appeared around the corner, arms clasped behind his back.

Arden eyed him before speaking again, "I see your still bald."

Pixis sighed and shook his head whilst taking a few steps so he could stand in front of the trio, "Your ability to joke with a blank expression still unnerves me, Croix."

"It's one of her many charms." Erwin smiled slightly whilst patting Arden on the shoulder.

Still being slightly confused, Levi eyed the two Commanders as they allowed a subordinate to make disrespectful jokes towards them.

Pixis suddenly turned to Erwin and Levi, his expression now serious, "You have been granted permission to see the boy. He's in the dungeons. I will talk with you later, Commander Erwin. Captain Levi." Pixis nodded his head respectfully at the two before turning to Arden, "Gather your squad Team Leader. I have important news I must share with you before the court martial."

"Yes sir." Arden bowed her head to Commander Pixis before he started walking away.

She turned to the two Scouts, saluting respectfully whilst addressing each one, "Commander Erwin, I hope to see you soon. Captain Levi, its been an honour to meet you." Then she turned and followed after Pixis.

Levi watched her the whole time, noting the still blank expression and calm tone of her voice. He and Erwin stood there until her raven black hair disappeared from view.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora