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"Get back here!" The hoarse masculine voice shouted.

A young child, around 8 years old was sprinting through the empty night streets. Her raven black hair that reached her shoulders was messy and matted. The once glossy strands were now dull and caked in oil, dirt and dust.

The small child's cheeks had sunken in along with the rest of her frail, malnourished body. Her eyes that were once full of life were sunken and surrounded by a ring of black, a sign that sleep did not come to her. The once vibrant blood red hue was now dull and empty.

The dress that hung loosely from her deteriorated form was tattered and shredded, covered in dirt and sweat. She had probably been wearing that dress for a year now without washing it.

Clutched in her boney hands were two loafs of hard bread. She had been able to steal them from a bakery before it closed for the night. But due to her tiredness and hunger, she grew careless and got herself caught by the bakers.

That's what she called herself; careless, useless.

With her boney legs aching from all the running, the child sharply turned a corner. Only for her blood-red eyes to widen in horror. Infront of her, was a stone wall at least 10 feet high.

A dead end. There was nowhere to run too now.

"Got ya, ya li'le bitch!" An angered voice shouted out from behind her.

The girl spun around with so much force that she almost stumbled backwards. Frantic red eyes darted across the three male figures, each staring down maliciously at the young girl.

Tears pricked at her wide eyes as her whole body began to tremble. I have to get this bread to my brother, I have to! Her mind screamed at her.

But the deathly look in the three older males eyes told her she wasn't going to make it.

Before she could process what was happening, a fist the size of her frail and sunken face came crashing down roughly onto her nose.

A sickening 'crack' rung out into the night sky as the child was roughly sent  the cold, hard floor by the sheer impact of the blow. Thick, warm liquid oozed from her nose as she looked around, disoriented.

"Teach the bitch a lesson!" One of them called out.

Before the young girl had time to recover, a round of harsh kicks crashed into her already weak body. Large boots pounded mercilessly into her legs, arms, stomach, back, head. Each kick sent an unbearable wave of pain through her body. Stabbing and stinging at her broken and bruised skin.

Yet she couldn't do anything. She had no energy. She couldn't fight back. All she could do, was lie there helplessly as her tender body was beaten and broken.

Thats when a sudden powerful aura filled her senses. One that was full of horror, anger, rage. It washed over her, flooding through her, suffocating her. It was the only thing she could think about as her body trembled, not from the brutal, merciless beating she was receiving. But the pure power filling her up.

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