The 57th Recon Mission part III: His Decison

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"TRUST US!" Petra emotionally pleaded, staring over at Eren with wide, frightened eyes.

The Female Titan was still hot on their tails as they pushed their horses to carry them faster through the forest. Eren glanced around, taking in all the scars on everyone's hands, the scars from when they'd bit themselves to apologise to him. But they weren't just an apology. It was a gesture of trust, one that said they'd never doubt Eren, their comrade, again. Now Eren had to choose whether he'd trust himself, or trust them.

Another Scout zoomed over to the Female Titan on their ODM gear, trying fruitlessly to take the bitch down as she sprinted towards the 2 squads on horseback.

"Eren! C'mon! Make up your damn mind!" Levi shouted over at him, slowly starting to worry.

Eren squeezed his eyes shut before rolling his head back, letting out a powerful screech. He had made up his mind. "I'm with you!"

Everyone was surprised yet relieved that he had chosen to trust his comrades, to put his life in their hands. The Scout chasing the Female Titan screamed in horror as she tightly grasped his lower body in her hand before swinging him into a tree and shattering the poor man to death.

Eren whinced, turning away from the scene as he knew that watching another soldier die could possibly change his made up mind.

The Female Titan leaned forward, now charging faster than ever as smoke trailed behind her large, thunderous steps. She was quickly inching closer, the ground vicously shaking beneath the horses.

"Target is accelerating!" Gunther shouted in exasperation.

But Levi remained calm as he orderd the 2 squads, "Just keep moving! We'll outrun the bitch!"

Arden sucked in her breath, her demon senses heightening as she felt a mass detection of multiple presences. Almost there. She thought, the corners of her lips tilting upwards as they drew nearer.

The Female Titan was now right behind them, eyes wide with victory and trained on Eren in the center of the group. But now she had fallen for the trap. Now she was caught.

The Titan skidded to a stop in the middle of the small clearing, eyes wide in alarm. The Scouts had her right where they wanted her. Erwin had her right were he wanted her. "FIRE!" His thunderous voice boomed as the forest was filled with a thousand deafening 'booms'. Hundreds of catapults went off as giant spears were propelled through the air, sinking straight through the Female Titans skin as she had managed to quickly cover her nape with her hands.

The spears were attached to thick, steel wire, securing the Titan in place as they pierced every square inch of her body. Now she couldnt move and was forced to stand there vulnerable as hundreds of Scouts gathered around her.

The second the 2 squads were clear of the blast zone, Arden called out to her Squad, "Elite Squad! Hitch your horses and rendezvous with the Command Squad. I'm going to the Commander."

After a chorus of 'Yes, sir's, the Elite Squad swiftly broke away from the Special Operations Squad, hitching their horses with the rest of the Scouts'. Levi and his Squad carried on a little further, they had to make sure that Eren was nowhere near the Female Titan, even if she was bound and couldn't move.

Whilst the rest of her Squad zoomed into the trees to aid in Scouting the area or observing the Female Titan, Arden used her ODM gear to scale the tree Commander Erwin was situated on. Landing expertly on both feet, she casually walked up to him, her face expressionless yet stern.

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