Unveiling the Madness

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In a forest with trees hundreds of metres into the air, a pair of eyes flickered open. Teal in colour and squinting at the blaring sun overhead.

Until the foliage above confused the person, teal eyes widening in shock. A pained groan escaping their lips as they struggled to sit up. For a moment, they couldn't explain why it was difficult to sit up right, until they felt around with their hands, only to realise there was no feeling at all.

He looked down, eyes now wide in horror, confusion, alarm. He had no hands, no arms. They were gone. Instead his shoulders were wrapped in a tattered and torn, green Scouts cloak. Both limbs missing from the shoulder socket. Boiling steam rising from the injuries. And yet, he still wasn't awake enough to completely understand what had happened.

Around his eyes were small, thin scars, lines that stretched down to his cheeks and up to his temples. His brown hair messy and ragged.

It was Eren.

He had woken up in a giant forest, disoriented and arms chewn off.

He hadn't noticed the figure sat to his right on the large, thick branch. Ymir, who also had her right hand and right foot missing. The skin growing into nubs as hot titan steam flowed around the limbs as they slowly grew back. Her face also baring similar marks to Eren's.

"You're awake." Eren's daze is broken when he hears the all too familiar voice. And he looks up to a branch ahead of him, two figures coming in to view.

Reiner stood confidently, his arms folded over his chest and eyes set into a firm, intimidating stare. Bertholdt on a branch behind, sat cross-legged as he watched the scene.

Suddenly it all came crashing back to Eren: atop the wall with Reiner and Bertholdt, them admitting to being the Armoured and Colossal Titans. Then they transformed, leaving Eren no choice but to shift too. They fought fiercely, Eren winning. Until the Colossal Titans gargantuan mouth came crashing down, turning the tide of battle and Reiner came out on top.

That was the last thing Eren could remember. So now he could only surmise that he had been captured by the traitors.

"Welcome back." Reiner called out to him, taunting him almost.

How he wanted to reach out and strangle that filthy traitor. He did, until he realised that his arms weren't moving. And it finally hit him.

Struggling, Eren gasped as he tried his hardest to wiggle free of the cloak tied around his shoulders. Breathing becoming heavier as he panicked. Finally, the cloak moved and he was able to see the damage to his body.

It hadn't exactly hit him when he first woke up, being too dazed to think clearly. But now seeing the missing limbs for himself, he was consumed with panick. "What the hell?! My arms!" He wailed, eyes glossing over.

"Eren." Ymir called to him, the boys eyes snapping to his right to meet hers. Finally noticing her presence.

"I'm, uh, not in any better shape here. Seems we're both having a shit day." She calmly told him, waving her right arm and right leg, showing the boy that she too was missing some pretty important limbs. Though the tear of her trousers on her thigh indicated that they had grown back pretty quickly. Another few hours and she'd be back to normal, as if she hadn't had her limbs chewn off by a Titan.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now