The Change in Them

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"You can put me down, now." Arden awkwardly mumbled. Levi was still carrying her toward the medical bay in the castle. They entered the castle about two minutes ago. And Arden flushed with embarrassment every time a soldier eyed the two in shock. He was carrying her thinking she was too injured to walk, but in reality she was perfectly fine.

Levi didn't answer her. His steel grey eyes were just staring straight ahead. "Levi?" She questioned quietly, noticing his distant stare. His feet were moving toward the med bay. That's all he knew. But his brain was swirling with too many thoughts. The day had been one of the most confusing days he ever had. He had to take Eren to HQ to discuss his Titan shifting ability with Erwin in a boring, tedious meeting. Then he finds Drystan Daine flirting with Arden and feels a bubbling anger that he's never felt before. One that he couldn't explain why he felt. Then back at base he spends a blissful moment with Arden, the two just being in comfort. It was a nice peaceful moment in this crazy world. But in a second everything flips. Arden is shooting away to catch Armin before he seriously hurt himself. And she sliced her hand. She definitely did. He knew because he saw it, because its the only thing he can still see.

As he stares forward, he sees the scene repeat. Her hand gripping the blade, the blood flying through the air, but when he checks, there's no wound. Blade. Blood. No wound. He was confused. If he had imagined it, he couldn't figure out why. Why would I imagine her slicing her hand? Was one of the many confusing thoughts flooding through his mind.

"Levi?" She asked again, this time in a soft voice. She had unconsciously brought her hand up to rest on his cheek.

And the warm feeling of her soft fingers on his cheeks was enough to wake him from his dazed thoughts. She watched as his steel grey eyes seemed to flicker in recognition, before glancing down to the woman still being cradled in his arms.

"What?" He asked, voice laced with confusion.

"You can put me down. I'm fine." Arden mumbled, quickly removing her hand from his cheek as she glanced away from him. The pleasant tingling feeling quickly leaving her fingers. She pressed her lips into a thin line when his grip on her suddenly tightened. "I really am fine." She attempted to reassure him.

"You fell from a tree. You're not fine." He sternly replied, his steel grey eyes focusing forward.

"Didn't know you cared so much. Just put me down, shorty." She muttered the last word, knowing it would annoy him.

Levi abruptly stopped, his grip on her tightening as he glared down at her, "Oi, brat! Are you trying to annoy me?"

"Can you just put me down? That way I can show you I really am fine." She complained, huffing in annoyance as she attempted to swing her legs down and away from him. Only for Levi to wrap his arm tighter around her knees. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes. "Please?" She asked softly.

Levi sighed, closing his eyes as he let out a long, deep breath. "Fine." He muttered. Before slowly releasing her knees when her feet were on the floor. She unwrapped her arms from around his neck and took a step back. Levi's hand was still resting on her lower back, supporting her. As she stepped away his cool fingers glided across her waist, sending a shiver down her spine.

He watched her carefully as she stepped back, raising her hands to the sides of her head before slowly twirling around. After he looked her over, he could see that she really wasn't injured which just confused him even more. The only evidence that she had ever even fallen from the tree with Armin was the multiple dirt patches all over her uniform, mainly her back. Along with the few streaks of dirt in her long messy hair, and the few dirt spots on her face.

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