The Babysitter

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The next day, everyone was gathered outside of the castle for more combat training. Arden and Lydia stood leant against some crates watching the recruits train. Lydia whinced when Mikasa easily disarmed the wooden knife from Jean, before sweeping her right leg under his, causing him to fall roughly to the ground with a loud, pained groan.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Lydia questioned her team leader, genuinely concerned for the recruit.

Arden remained unfazed by Jean practically getting concussed and was instead focused on Mikasa's skill. She remembered a few days ago when she sparred with the black haired girl and she was impressed with the skill and strength of a recruit. Arden also distinctly remembered using the same move on Mikasa, sweeping under her legs with her right foot to knock the girl off her feet. Now, she was proud to see that Mikasa had used the move too. "Huh. That was one of my moves, I'm impressed. And don't worry about Jean, he'll be fine." Arden waved Lydia's concern off.

Krista crouched in front of Jean, Ymir at her side like always. "Are you okay, Jean?" Krista asked sweetly.

"Ha, he's fine! I'm sure Mikasa didn't hit him that hard." Ymir energetically reassured.

But then Jean sat up with a gurgled groan, his eyes half closed and a dazed look on his face. On the back of his head, there was a small bump poking out from his hair.

Arden turned to Lydia with a slight frown whilst her blonde haired friend looked worried, "Maybe he'll be fine." Arden added, watching as Reiner and Bertholdt had to help the fumbling Jean to his feet.

As the two watched Jean get carried away to the med bay, Arden's blood red eyes landed on Armin. She remembered how he had approached her that morning at breakfast.

Levi, Arden, Erwin, Hange, Moblit and Miche were all sat at the higher-ups table. Arden had sat with them instead of her squad as a way to stop Hange from pestering her to sit with them that morning.

"Uhm..." Moblit started with a nervous chuckle, "Does anyone know what's wrong with Section Commander Hange today?" He asked as he side glanced the woman in question.

She was sat with her elbows rested on the table and her fingers interlaced. Peering over her glasses, that seemed to be sparkling, with a terrifyingly excited glint her eyes. Shifting her glances between Arden and Levi with a big smirk on her face.

Levi didn't even acknowledge the mischievous, maniacal look in Hange's eyes as he instead picked up his teacup by the rim and took a sip. Arden was aware of Hange's glances, but chose to ignore them.

Miche leaned over and sniffed Hange's hair, his nose twitching in recognition, "She smells like excitement." He finished, watching her eyes flicker between Arden and the Captain, him now giving them a curious stare too.

Thankfully, the moment was interrupted when Armin and Eren walked over to the table, gaining the attention of the higher-ups.

Sensing their presence, Arden turned around to see the two stood behind her. Eren gave Armin a light shove forward. When Armin finally looked up, his bright blonde hair no longer covering his face, Arden felt sorry for what she saw. His bright blue ocean eyes were glossy and full of tears. The skin around them was red and puffy, a sign he had been crying for a while. His nose was swollen as he sniffled and his lip quivered.

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