Set in Motion

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Landing on a nearby tree, both Mikasa and Kain smirked in victory. Though Kain was more so just impressed by his own skills, his ego boosting.

Reiner's legs gave out beneath him as steam began to fill the sky from the joint behind the knees and the ankles. Together, the 2 raven heads had been able to cause enough damage to the Armoured Titan to be able to aid Eren.

Yet Kain felt antsy. Neither Bertholdt or Reiner had made any moves to escape, instead one was too focused on capturing Eren whilst the other was distracting the Scouts. They hadn't left. And if they didn't soon, Kain knew he would have to help them. He had his own agenda, his own ambitions; information he wanted to collect. But to do that, the 2 shifters would have to steer clear of the Scouts. Kain had already shown his demon form to one person and was planning to show another. Yet he wasn't ready just yet to out the existence of the demon realm to anyone else.

Mikasa watched the man as he furrowed his brows and bounced his leg against the tree the 2 were currently hanging on. His fingers itching at the triggers of his ODM gear and an almost desperate plea in those big, crimson eyes.

When he felt her eyes on him, Kain turned to her with a mischievous grin, eyes sparkling as he raised both brows at her. It was clear to him that Mikasa was suspicious of him. Of what, he was sure she had no clue. But she was still suspicious. And since he knew there was no way she'd be able to up and shout 'demon' without sounding crazy, he wasn't worried about whatever assumptions she made of him. Maybe she'd think he was a shifter, secretly aiding Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie. Perhaps Ymir was in on it too, seeing as she was a shifter. Or maybe she simply had never saw him in the field before and was unsure how to find his odd, childish yet spine tingling behaviour. Afterall, being unpredictable and reckless kind of was Kain's thing.

Eren pulled harder on Reiner's neck, sending pieces of cracked, armoured skin flying into the air. The strong layer of protection of the Armoured Titan quickly lessening under the immense pressure.

"You've got this!" Armin shouted from his position on the side of the Wall, his voice sounding much clearer to Kain and far more distant to Mikasa.

Then came Keiji's shout of encouragement, "Go for it, Eren! Rip the traitors head off! Drag him out into the open!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and anticipation. Hearts pounding with every passing second.

Eren's grip on the Titans neck only growing stronger, threatening to tear the limb from the rest of the body. Until suddenly the Armoured Titan dug a hand into the ground. Deep, narrow holes forming at its dragging fingertips. Feet somehow managing to push against the earth, sliding both Titans across the plain. Erens back and head scraping harshly against the dirt below as Reiner continued to push them further, neck still tight in Eren's hold. Until its injured knees and ankles finally lost all strength and gave way beneath him, crashing to the torn up dirt. Steam beginning to rise from its neck as the pressure only built.

Then the Armoured Titan let out 3 almighty roars, sending the piercing noise echoing through the sky.

"Hm." Kain hummed humorously, corners of his lips tilting upwards into a smirk.

Mikasa gasped, her eyes darting around the territory of behind Wall Maria, lands that were now claimed by the Titans. Like the rest of the soldiers, Reiners roar reminded them of Annie's call for backup during the expedition. And whilst they all waited impatiently for the arrival of masses of Titans, Kain found his eyes glued to the now stilled movements of the Collosal Titan.

Through the dense smoke, he could see it clearly. Bertholdt's Titan form completely motionless. And even from his position at least 100 metres away and down from the wall, he could still hear the cracking and fizzing of bone and flesh. Crimson eyes catching even the smallest tilt of the Collosal Titan's gargantuan body.

And it made sense to him. Reiner crawling and forcing Eren to slide against the earth, his roar or rather scream for help. Because the Collosal Titan was directly above them. Reiner wasn't like Annie, he wasn't calling for backup from other Titans. No. He was requesting aid from his friend, from the 50 metre Collosal. The one he'd happened to position himself easily close to and under.

Catching the clink of metal to his side, Kain didn't have to look to know that Mikasa was planning to rush to Eren's aid. But before she could zoom away, Kain's hand shot out, blocking her from moving as she grunted and stared incredulously at him. A murderous scowl etched onto her features.

But Kain wasn't fazed. Instead his interested gaze remained on the fleshy body of the Collosal Titan atop the Wall. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Trust me, it'll be a horrible way to die." He stated ominously, tip of his tongue pressing into the sharp point of one of his canines and he smiled devilishly.

Leaving Mikasa even more confused and bewildered by the man as she examined his expression. Then her eyes moved to the Collosal Titan as a strained terrified cry rung out around them, "ABOVE YOU! LOOK OUUUTT!"

And as everyone stared in horror, the Collosal Titan's ribs snapped, sending its hefty body plummeting over the side of the Wall. Traced by thick, boiling grey steam as it raced behind the falling figure. Jaw unhinged and wide open. The opening directly over Eren and Reiner's heads.

And as it came crashing down, it's humongous form only inches from crashing into the ground, Kain smirked wider. Crimson eyes sparkling at the sight. Finally, the time had come.


We're back BiTchEssSsSsssSss 💅

After a week and a half. A week full of alcohol. 😅😅

That was not planned but it happened. Again, the signal was shit and I couldnt write much for the upcoming chapters. But I will be writing as much as I can.

Unfortunately, I'm going back to college. Yuck. 🤢

Might drop out again because all the place has done is teach me a bunch of shit I won't use and give me anxiety. I have been diagnosed. Yeah... But only after going to college. So what does that tell ya? 😶

Anyway, hope your excited for upcoming chapters!!

Peace and love ✊️🤍

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