Raid on Stohess District

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What remained of the Scout Regiment was being escorted by the Military Police en route to the Capital. They were currently passing through Stohess District, which meant that the first part of Erwin's plan was already underway.

Eren, Mikasa and Eren had previously left the escort, their job being to lead the suspected Female Titan, Annie Leonhart, into an old, abandoned passageway that went deep underground. But of course Erwin had planned ahead incase it wouldn't be possible to lure Annie to the site. He left Hange to set up an ambush, using the same traps that were used during the expedition to capture her, should she shift.

In a solitary and heavily guarded carriage, was Jean. The Kirschtein boys job was to play decoy, to pretend to be Eren Jeager. Sure there was noticeable differences between the 2 boys, but with a ruffled, brown wig on, Jean was the best shot the Scouts had.

Erwin, Levi and Arden were all riding in the same carriage. And after much protest, the 2 were able to convince Arden that it was best for her to sit this one out with Levi. She wanted to aid in the plan, but she was still too weak to do so. And despite not knowing the reason for her exhausted state, both the Commander and Captain worried that she'd only get herself hurt if she pushed herself further.

So now they sat in a tense silence, Erwin ready and prepped in his uniform. Levi looking the most formal she had ever seen him, with a white dress shirt, his usual cravat and sleak, black trousers. A matching pristine, black suit jacket draped over his shoulders.

Arden was dressed similarly to him, a fitted white button up with the top button undone. Black dress pants with a matching leather belt. And of course, her shiny lace up boots. Many would find her attire strange, believing that a woman's casual outfit should've been a dress or a skirt, not trousers. But the woman had never been one for frilly, pretty things. She preferred trousers as they allowed for flexibility and maximised movement, perfect for sudden altercations.

And as they rode through Stohess, the masses of stone townie buildings filling the District, Arden once again found her attention drawn to the shadows of the town. The way they creeped up the sides of buildings and began to spread where the sun didn't shine. It still felt like something was watching her. And until she regained enough strength to be able to use her demonic detection ability, she would watch the shadows like a hawk.

Levi turned to his side, finding her staring intently out of the window of the carriage. They were sat next to each. Levi with his back straightened and right arm resting over his stomach. His left hand was placed between the two. She was sat slouched, right leg crossed over the other and her arms folded over her chest. But her posture was stiff, not the usual relaxed and lazy one.

Across from them, Erwin noticed this too. He had a better view of her face compared to Levi and was able to see her brows set as if she were in deep thought. Not good thoughts either considering the slight narrow of her eyes and barely noticeable clench of her jaw.

"Hey." Levi called to her, but she didn't turn to him. "The plan's gonna work." Attempting to reassure her, he furrowed her brows as she stayed silent. He took a glance over to Erwin, silently asking him with his eyes if he knew what was wrong with her. But the blonde man shook his head.

"That's not what I'm worried about..." She muttered, almost absentmindedly. Gaze still fixated outside the window. It was as if she hadn't realised she'd said those words outloud.

Both men shared a confused glance. Before Erwin raised a brow and asked, "What are you worried about?"

And the second the question left his lips, she finally looked away from the window, her expression relaxing and returning to its usual blank one, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Tone making them want to believe her. Lazily, her hand came upwards and drew the curtain close, blocking her view of outside.

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