●Important Update●

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Hey guys

Things just aren't going my way lately.

My phone is completely fucked. Someone is coming in the morning to take it to be repaired, idk how long that will be. And if you saw my announcement, you will know that my PC just can't connect to the Internet for some reason, we genuinely can't fix it. I think I need to order new parts or go back to the old router. But the problem is, this router was £400. And my pc just can't find it to connect.


So, I won't be able to update this book which sucks ass. I'm currently borrowing a friend's phone just to make this update for you which is risky because none of my friends know I write on wattpad.

Again, I'm sorry that there are constantly hiatuses and breaks in this book, it really annoys me. Save the times where I genuinely needed it, like my grand dad's passing and his funeral, the holiday, there shouldn't have been as many stops to this book as there has been.

It makes me feel like I'm letting you guys down and I'm letting myself down. But there are things that just can't be helped.

So sorry to do this again, but Tasteful is going on hiatus till either my phone is returned, or I can figure out what the hell is actually wrong with my PC.

I can't apologise enough to you amazing people.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now