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It had been maybe 3 hours since the Scout platoon spearheaded by Section Commander Hange left Ehrmich District. Their mission to recover the target: Krista Lenz, and then proceeded to seal the breach in Wall Rose.

Arden was currently standing in a spare office room in the barracks the rest of the Scouts stayed behind in. Lydia emptying the bucket of bloodied water and rinsing off the once white cloth under a sink. She had just helped Arden to clean her wounds and change her bandages. And both women were happy to see that the injuries, for the most part, had healed. What was once gaping holes you could straight through were now small, little cuts. A black and purple scab formed over the top, the edges of the wound now pink instead of a bright red. All in all, the injuries didn't cause burning or agonising pain for Arden anymore. They just offered a manageable discomfort. By tomorrow at the absolute maximum, they should be healed without a single trace.

After changing clothes to something a little more comfier, black trousers and an off-white button up blouse, Arden met outside with Lydia, Carlisle and Tobias.

They had gathered near a mostly abandoned building inside of Ehrmich District, only a 5 minute walk from the barracks the rest of the Scouts were stationed in. It used to be a storage warehouse for extra rations, building resources and etc. But after Wall Maria fell and the refugees flooded behind Wall Rose, the resources were quickly used up. The building turning derelict during its 5 years of misuse. The only people who really interacted with the building now were the homeless or merchants hiding their stock coerced by illegal dealings.

"A-and you're sure it's empty?" Tobias asked, his icy blue eyes nervously darting over the worn down room.

Arden silently sucked in a deep breath, her eyes momentarily closing as she felt for any energy within the building, then they flickered open, "It's empty." She reassured, having not felt any other life forces apart from that of her squad.

"Well, duh. No dumbass is gonna be dumb enough to stay in here. I mean, look at the place. It's falling apart!" Carlisle grumbled. As if to prove a point, he lightly pushed on a pillar of rotten wood which crumbled under his touch. A large chunk breaking off straight into his hand as he fumbled to catch it, the now broken pillar letting out a shrill creak.

His cerulean blue eyes wide as he slowly spun with the soft to the touch piece of wood in his hand, lips pressed into a thin line. Gaze landing on the unimpressed Arden with a single brow raised, Tobias nervously cringing and Lydia with a soft smile as she held back her giggle.

"Ahem." Carlisle awkwardly cleared his throat before nonchalantly tossing the piece of wood over his shoulder. It hitting the floor with a dull thud that echoed throughout the empty and falling apart building.

"So. Why exactly are we here?" Lydia asked gently, her golden eyes skeptically scanning the abandoning building.

And Arden walked in further, glancing upwards at a hole that had been caved in through the ceiling as she spoke, "Because there are too many ears back there. We need to talk privately."

"I'm guessing this is a demon thing then? S-should we be worried?" Tobias asked, eyes widening slightly as he stared in anticipation at his raven haired friend. The hairs on the back of his neck seeming to stand up in worry.

That's when Arden looked away from the gaping hole above, her eyes not really focusing on anything as she let out a slow whisper, "I'm not sure, yet."

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