The Changeling

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The commotion of the fight behind her soon faded the further she got. She was darting through the gargantuan trees on her ODM gear, going at a speed that should be impossible for a human. But she knew no one was around to see her. The soldier gripped in the clutches of the lesser demon was the only human around, but he was too distraught to notice Arden, his fear-stricken eyes glued to the lesser demon with an unwavering, petrified gaze.

It was a mass of black, atleast 8 feet tall and had a humanoid figure. But this thing was no human. Its limbs were contorted, twisting unnaturally in every way possible. It's arms, legs, torso, head completely disproportionate and grotesque. It hardly had a face. Just a veil of black where its nose and eyes should've been and a great big, gaping hole for its mouth. The only reason why you could tell it had a mouth was because of its cracked, dry, black lips, and rows upon rows of jagged razor sharp teeth. Each one coated in a thick layer of oozing charcoal liquid that spilled from its hideous mouth.

It's hands were abnormally large, atleast twice the size of its head. Fingers long, thin and boney, accompanied by a set of sharpened dagger-like nails that came to a deathly point. It's hind legs extending backwards before jolting in at odd angles. It was symbolic of a beast.

And Arden moved faster, her blood red orbs narrowing as she quickly approached the lesser demon. It was fast, but she was faster. Now she was right behind it and the soldiers horrified eyes bore into hers, pleading that she could save him. Sheathing her blades, she propelled herself forwards with a mighty spin, twisting gracefully through the air. Long, terrifying, black talons had grew from her fingernails as she charged at the demon, ready to slice it to pieces.

But the demon materialised into a cloud smoke, leaving her to rip through the inky steam. A tree appeared infront of her and she swiftly used her ODM gear to hang from it without crashing into it. But when she turned around, her eyes widened in alarm.

The disfigured blur was floating in front of her, one hand gripping the soldiers shoulder whilst the other wrapped around both of his knees. He was raised into the air in a horizontal position, almost like the demon was showcasing him. "P-p-please... s-save me..." The soldier trembled out, terrified eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. Never had Arden seen such immense fear in a single person's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the demon yanked and the soldier tore in two. Severed at the waist. Blood shot through the air, soaking everything around, painting it with a warm, crimson red. Long, stringy entrails poured from his stomach, dropping down to the grass below with a slimy thud. Dead. Just like that.

The breath left her as she watched, she couldn't do anything. The demon had killed the innocent man before she even had time to react. It wasn't supposed to go like this. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Her mind ran rampant as she watched his now dull, lifeless eyes clatter to the ground, having been discarded and thrown away as if he were merely trash. Blood rained down from the sky, and it wasn't long before she felt the patter of droplets dripping down on her. Running through her hair, soaking the raven strands with a rubious red. Pattering against her face and clothes before slowly trickling downwards.

At the lesser demons inhumane growl, her head snapped to it, a now savage glare on her face as black streaks danced across her skin. It was like her glassy skin had cracked a thousand times over but had yet to shatter to pieces. A pattern formed around the right side of her face, swirling in a circular motion around her eye. The whites of her eyes had now turned pitch black like the void, making the blood red ring in the middle stand out as if it were glowing. Sharp canines grew from her teeth as she savagely snarled, a beast-like sound.

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