Distant Allies

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"So..." Ymir started, curious eyes glancing between the two males shaking hands, one of her single arched brows raised. "What do we do now?" She questioned, folding her arms over her chest. Thick grey smoke rising from her right hand that was slowly regenerating.

As enthusiastic as always, Kain beamed brightly, yanking his hand out of Reiners before slapping it to the back of his head and ruffling his already shaggy hair, "Got no clue!" Menacing sharp points of his predatory canines glinting in the sunlight that filtered through the gargantuan forest.

Reiner was left dumbfounded by the halfbreed, unsure whether to feel intimidated by the menacing creature he was, or deciding if his psychotic personality and rapidly changing moods was far more terrifying than him being a demon.

Bertholdt had already decided before learning of Kain Croix's demonic heritage that he was an absolutely terrifying person, and would consistently think of him in that way.

As for Eren, he was more confused than anything, though still scared. Shifters was a pretty new concept to him still, so adding demons into the mix was a strenuous pain on the young boys mind. Especially since the crazy Croix was one of the people he looked up to and admired.

Unlike the rest, Ymir was oddly calm about the whole ordeal. Her relaxed aura not once faltering. Even so, Kain was still able to pick out the slight jumps in her heart beat, the quickened pumping of her blood. It would be impossible to tell that Ymir was on edge unless you were truly looking.

Something which was further proven when she huffed loudly, drawing out a long breath before rolling her eyes at the red eyed man and critiquing him. "You know, for a big bad demon halfbreed, you are no where near as intelligent as I thought you'd be." She accused harshly, though still maintaining her calm demeanour.

The comment earned wide eyed, horrific stares from the other 3 shifters, and a sparkled glint from the halfbreed. "Are you crazy?!" Eren shouted at her in alarm, not sure how Kain would react to Ymir insulting him to his face.

But they were all surprised when the man in question burst into energetic, obnoxious laughter. A single hand gripping his stomach as he keeled over in breathless chuckles. "HAHHAHA! I LIKE THIS ONE! SERIOUSLY, YOU'RE GREAT!" He managed to get out through his loud humour.

Reiner sighed lightly as he watched the interaction, his initial fear towards the situation calming. Now, he didn't feel so threatened by Kain, though was still wary of him. "No, she isn't. But he definitely is." He responded to Eren's previous question. Shaking his head and pressing his lips into a thin line as they waited for Kain to calm down.

"W-what... what are you doing?" Eren's small voice suddenly stuttered out, the trembling in his voice not going unnoticed.

The rest turned to him, brows raised in question and wondering what he meant by that. "Huh, what d'ya mean?" Reiner asked, voicing the words everyone else was thinking.

And when Eren's distorted gaze landed on Kain, it was clear what point he was trying to make, leaving the halfbreed to internally groan. "You're gonna make a deal with him, just like that? He's a demon! How desperate can you be to trust a demon?" The boy made his case clear, teal eyes searching for some reasoning in the all too calm auras of the other shifters.

Much to Kain's surprise, Reiner rebuttled against Eren, defending his decision to trust the halfbreed with an air of confidence. "If you want the truth, very desperate. We have faith in our abilities as shifters, but even then we know not to underestimate humanity. And Kain, even though he's a demon not a shifter, he knows what it's like to live in our shoes. Humanity might not know about the existence of demons and halfbreeds, but when they do, my guess is that they won't treat them so differently to how they treat us... Besides, I know its better to have a powerful ally rather than a powerful enemy." He finished strongly, holding an authoritive gaze over the young boy.

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