Warmth, Anger, Confusion

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With everyone, apart from Erwin, Hange and Tobias, now back at the castle base behind Wall Rose, it was time for training to proceed. Today was ODM gear training. And Levi and Arden had the pleasure of watching the recruits performance.

With a little pleading from Eren and some convincing from Arden, Levi reluctantly let Eren join his friends and fellow classmates in ODM training. Training was happening in a large, dense forest that connected to the castle.

The recruits were zipping around, taking out fake titans made from large pieces of wood. The napes were made out of a thick leathery material, replicating the skin of a Titan.

With Erwin's plan to lure out the spy, it wasn't entirely necessary for the recruits to practice killing a Titan. Afterall, they were only going to run spare horses and send signals. But in this world, you could never be too sure. Whilst watching the recruits, Arden always kept her eyes peeled, assessing everyone. Erwin had suspicions that the spy/or spys had been in the 104th, meaning they could be any one of Eren's friends. So far though, she hadn't spotted anything suspicious. But as sharp as her mind was, it was never as sharp or calculating as Erwin's. The man could figure out what you're planning before you've even planned it. So there was no room to doubt him.

Her blood red eyes watched as Mikasa zipped through the trees, flying through the air and using her ODM gear with ease. Infront of her was Eren and Connie. Arden noticed how Mikasa was always tailing Eren like a bodyguard, keeping him from trouble. Just as Connie lined up his swords to cut through the fake titans neck, Mikasa expertly zoomed past him. Shooting her hooks out to a nearby tree before swiftly slicing the nape of the wooden cut out. The cut was deep, far deeper than Arden had expected from a new recruit.

"Ah, Mikasa! Come on!" Connie shouted in frustration as the girl herself perfectly zoomed away.

Arden hummed curiously as she watched Mikasa before she disappeared from sight, off to kill the next fake Titan.

Glancing down to the bench below her, Arden saw Levi also watching the recruits. The drop was about 5 meters and if she was careful, she could land without hurting herself. Stepping of the edge of branch, Arden allowed herself to fall before landing carefully on the branch below. To minimise the impact, she landed crouched down and luckily, she sustained no injury. Even if she had messily landed and broke her ankles, they would heal back to normal in a few seconds. But then she'd have a hard time explaining how her broken ankles miraculously healed in 5 seconds to Levi.

Standing up, she walked over to Levi who had watched her dangerous action. He knew that it was pointless to doubt the woman before him, as she did everything with ease and expert skill. So he wasn't worried when he saw her jump 5 meters down to join him on the giant tree branch.

"It seems Mikasa is a professional at ODM gear. She might even rival you." She teased playfully as she nudged Levi on the arm.

Levi raised a brow at her as his steel grey eyes gazed into her blood red ones, "You mean us?"

"Us?" She repeated. Playfully, she teased him, "You know, there was a time when you would scoff at anyone who suggested I was second to you."

"Tch. Didn't mean I didn't know it was true." Levi mumbled as he folded his arms over his chest, turning to look over at the recruits again.

But Arden swiftly stepped infont of him, a small happy grin on her face as she tilted her head at him. "So, you admit that I'm strong enough to be your second?"

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