Embracing the Madness

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Under the Command of Section Commander Hange, the Scouts moved out. They were on course to Utgard Castle, a structure believed to have been abandoned long ago.

And with Hange Zoe and Armin Arlert putting their genius brains together, it was easy for the 2 to determine that the 104th was in fact at Utgard Castle. Meaning the priority: Krista Lenz was too.

They rode through the night ceaselessly, the pounding of horses hooves dragging up a smoke storm behind them. Separated into a strategic triangle formation. Each rider carrying a torch, the orange glow trailing with them and providing the only light apart from that of the dim moon over head.

Amd once that old castle finally came into view, the sun had begun to rise in the distance, casting the sky with an eerie show of colours. But mostly, the above was still captivated by the dull, metallic grey of the morning twilight; dawn.

Kain's eyes shot wide open, his mouth curling into a sadistic grin as a single sharp canine poked out from his teeth. He could feel the rumble of the earth beneath him and the distant screeches of the Titans. "There's loads of the bastards!" He called out excitedly to Hange as he rode along side her.

The rubbled Castle now completely in view along with the horde of man eating beasts.

Hange's glasses glinted as her eyes narrowed, her expression now serious as she gave her orders, "Move out! Protect the 104th. Eren, you stay here. The rest of you, go!"

Eren groaning in annoyance. Clearly opposed to the idea of staying behind when he was ready to get out and slaughter all the Titans.

Kain dragged his tongue over his lips hungrily, a dark crazed look glinting in his crimson eyes. He hopped up into a crouched position on his horse, blades unsheathing savagely at his sides, "Finally! I've been waiting too long for this!" He cried out with anticipation.

But his eyes caught sight of the figure moving faster than everyone else above him, already way beyond the rest of the group. Immediately he called out in a childish annoyance, "W-Wha?! Hey, Mikasa! No fair! I wanted to kill the first Titan!" He exclaimed loudly before shooting out the wires of his ODM gear onto a nearby tree, propelling himself upwards as he raced forward at an incredible speed.

But Mikasa was still so far infront of him that he knew she hadn't heard him. He grumbled in annoyance as he skidded his feet across the ground, his blades completely slicing through a Titans ankles and forcing the beast to tumble down. He swung around, spinning as his blades removed the Titan's nape from its body, steam immediately forming as the mass of tissue began to evaporate.

Mikasa had already killed the first time, so his satisfaction of drawing first blood was lost. But, man, did it still feel amazing to murder those Titans.

The rest of the Scouts quickly joined the 2, using a professional coordinated method to simultaneously cut down the Titans in their path.

Kain laughed maniacally, finding more joy out of the death of these creatures than someone would think possible. A gargantuan hand suddenly swatted in front of him. And he managed to duck just in time to avoid being flattened like a pancake. Now zipping underneath the large arm, his feet connected with what was still standing of the stone tower.

Crouched against it, his eyes lit up at the abnormal in front of him. It's arms were twisted and wrapped tightly around its torso. Smirking, he called out, "Bring it, bastard!"

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