Sacred Will's Chosen Child

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At the rendevouz point in Ehrmich, everyone began preparing to leave the safe confines of Wall Sina. They were to find the breach along Wall Rose and promptly seal it, whilst simultaneously cutting down any Titans in their path.

Hange, Eren, Arden and Kain were all walking through the barracks together. Except Kain had taken to wrapping his arms around Arden's waist from behind as he sulked into her shoulder. Making the walk a little difficult for her as she had to practically drag her younger brother with every step.

He was upset that Erwin had split the 2 up for the new mission. Arden was going to ride under Hange's command to locate the 104th Cadet Corps who were somewhere in Titan territory. And Kain was to stay back with Commander Erwin until further notice. An idea he was clearly opposed to as he mumbled, "Damn you, eyebrows." Consistently into her shoulder.

Perhaps his clinginess was a result of the last 2 times they had been separated during a mission. Most recently in Stohess, she lost control. And if Kain hadn't shown up she probably would've went on a murder spree. But the time that put him on edge more was the 57th Recon Mission. In which she returned to him battered and impaled, which led to one of the most horrific moments of his life. Even remembering his sisters lifeless body laying on the bed caused him to nuzzle his face closer into her shoulder for comfort.

"Once we leave Ehrmich, we'll be in Titan territory proper." Hange informed then as Moblit approached.

"Eren. Well enough to ride a horse yet?" He asked.

Eren nodding his head in affirmation, "Yeah, should be able to manage one without much of a hassle."

"Saddle up then, soldier. There's a mount waiting for you on the left lift." Moblit informed as the 5 of them began walking away.

But Arden stopped in her tracks, which in turn caused Kain to stop too. There was an approaching presence that felt familiar. And before she could even think about it, her body had decided to stop to see him.

It seems Hange had noticed their arrival as well as she turned around in time to see Levi and pastor Nick entering the barracks.

Kain's arms slipped from around her as he mumbled incoherent noises. He knew for a fact that his sister was going to go over to Levi, so instead he messily plopped himself down on a wooden crate and started pouting like a toddler. Arden smiling whilst rolling her eyes at her brothers antics.

Noticing that Hange had stopped, Moblit called out, "Section Commander, we're pressed for time."

"Oh. Thanks, Moblit. Give me a sec." She stated before nodding her head over at Arden as the 2 walked to Levi and the pastor.

"So? Seen the light yet, by any chance?" Hange questioned sarcastically to the pastor. Who in turn lowered his head in defeat. There was a look in his eyes that Arden recognised. That was the look of someone who knew that their actions had caused the despair and misery of others. Others being the refugees of Wall Rose who had to abandon everything in order to be evacuated to the safety of Wall Sina.

"Oh, goddamn it! Make up your mind! This isn't some spiritual test! Lives are on the line!" Hange shouted in frustration, getting close into Nicks personal space.

But again the man seemed reluctant to say anything. His faith in his secrets forbidding him from telling them the truth, "Alas, I have no choice. Neither myself nor the others who belive are at liberty to divulge the truth." His words solemn.

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