His Disappearance

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"Enjoying the view?" Arden questioned smugly as she reached the wagon Levi was seated in. A brow raising at the man as his steel grey orbs never once left her approaching form.

"Hm." He hummed, shifting towards the end of the wagon and stretching out a hand for the woman to take. Which she did so, allowing him to pull her up onto the creaking wood. "Couldn't ask for a better one." Levi responded smugly, eyes flickering up and down her form as she passed him to sit to his left.

And again Arden felt the rush of her heartbeat. It was that look. That sparkle of adoration in his eyes whenever he looked at her. No one had ever looked at her like that. To see a hidden monster, riddled with flaws and yet think she was nothing short of perfection. It warmed her very core.

To hide the light and giddy feeling his words and actions left on her, she playfully rolled her eyes, sinking down into the wood of the wagon beside him. Despite that, the smile spreading across her pink lips only grew wider, exposing her pearly white teeth. Canines, although not as dramatic as Kain's naturally long and sharp ones, came to a small barely noticeable point. A little unnatural for a human. Yet the more Levi stared, the more he found the image of her smile imprinting itself into his memory. There wasn't much to enjoy in this world of death and destruction, yet that smile, no matter how many times he saw it, brought some life into the chaos.

Across from them, Pastor Nick watched wide eyed and rather uncomfortable. Seeing the stoic, heartless Captain Levi of the Survey Corps flirting with the monstrous demon of hell, left him conflicted yet extremely confused. Confused because there was genuinity to both smiles. All godly knowledge collected on the demon realm stated that its congregation was selfish, unjust, corrupt and immoral. Not to mention the countless other undesirable things they are. Yet there was something so real about the happiness displayed on the halfbreeds face that the pastor began to question whether she was even a demon at all.

He questioned the many genuine looks of sympathy she had given him during their short time of being acquainted. The seeming distaste for the demon realm and all that comes with it, despite being a member herself. To pastor Nick, Arden Croix was nothing but a delicately crafted mystery. A woman of many secrets, who was often blank and expressionless. Yet the words she chose, the seemingly small and insignificant actions, showed much more of the kind of person she was.

And the more the good Pastor allowed himself to observe and engage with the woman, the more he feared the rising feeling of 'likeness' towards the halfbreed. A feeling of trust and sympathy for the very thing he had vowed to protect the world from. That thought alone scared him more than any of the many horrific tales of the demonic realm.

Yet the thoughts of the 3 occupying the wagon had been diverted by a call behind them. "Hey Levi! Where you hidin' all the Titans?" An MP asked mockingly. 2 of his fellow comrades snickering behind him. It was clear to anyone that they had never actually seen a Titan before, let alone fought one. Afterall, how could they when they've spent most of their lives hiding behind the safety of the walls of the interior, living their lives lavishly and comfortably.

To the Scouts and most of the Garrison, the MP's were a joke. They had never seen real battle and yet they were the ones who were deemed the most important of the 3 Regiments; to be given the easy life in security and protect the most 'noble' of mankind.

Just by hearing the MP's cocky and mocking tone, both Levi and Arden's moods soured. The Captain of the Scouts and Humanity's Strongest Soldier turning towards the men, his expression cold yet stoic. "You seem eager to be eaten alive, soldier."

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