●Important Announcement●

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Hi guys.

So I've been thinking really hard about season 2 as it's quite a small season that mostly consists of flashbacks of the series characters and developing their stories.

With that said, I feel it's quite difficult to work my oc's into the season. BUT don't worry, I will be writing it.

I'm going to abandon my original plan of having Arden leave for Utgard Castle with Hange and the rest to save Krista/Historia.

As if I did have her leave for Utgard, there wouldn't be any Levi x Arden in season 2. So I've reworked my plan.

Instead, season 2 will be switching perspectives between Arden and Kain. That way there can still be some fluff between our two beautiful babies, but the season won't end up being 3 chapters long.

This is because I just don't think it fits for Arden to be on the field right now. Sure she's drank some human blood but she still isn't ready to be in the mission just yet, her wound from the changeling hasnt healed. It's also because as I previously stated, there wouldn't be any fluff and I don't want to give you a whole season where the main characters don't see/interact with each other at all. Also with how their relationship is growing, I just can't see them separating at the moment. Sure it's only like 2 days in the series but those are going to be a looooonnnggg 2 days in writing.

However, it does mean that season 2 will be mainly focusing on Kain as he travels to Utgard and so forth. There will be some interesting plot points that I've already mapped out for Kain in this season.

But sadly it's gonna be split like 70/30, where Kain gets more chapters than Arden.

There isn't really much to do for the main characters in season 2, as levi is in the season for a total of about 10 minutes. But I do have a plan to add my own scenes in with Arden and Levi, so don't worry. It will be heavily Kain based but there still is going to be a few scenes of our favourite almost-couple.

I was considering not writing this season at all as I personally think that it doesn't offer much for a levi love interest as it would for say erens sister or a reiner love interest and so forth, but I didn't want to abandon the season.

Season 2 definitely won't be as long as season 1 but it's also not going to focus on the romance between Levi and Arden as much either. It'll be more about expanding the plot of the siblings as Kain does some pretty crazy shit. I also feel like this will be a great way of establishing Kain as more of a main character because he is. For me in this book, the main characters are Arden, Levi and Kain. So season 2 will hopefully do a good job of emphasising that Kain is also a main character.

In all honesty, I know you guys might not really like this and I completely understand. So if you want to, you can just skip past season 2 and go to season 3 when it comes out if that is better for you. I just personally think that using Kain as the main character for season 2 works better for the plot I've planned and the actual season itself.

Season 3 will be the regularly scheduled Levi x Arden love story so don't worry.

Also I just want to say that Levi won't be finding out that the Croix siblings are demons this season. But I can't say the same for anyone else...

Anywho, I hope you understand and don't hate me tooooo much. As I said there still is going to be Levi x Arden, just not as much as season 1.

The first chapter of season 2 will be out either later today or tomorrow because I just can't find it in me to have a mini hiatus from this book.

Thankyou for reading, sorry its been long. I just feel like I had to explain all of this to you before releasing a season where you're disappointed that there isn't much romance between the main characters.

I hope you're excited for Tasteful Season 2.

Love you guys! 🤍✊️

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant