The Unwanted Gift

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Levi carefully placed the blanket over the sleeping woman, being sure not to wake her. A few minutes after their last conversation, Arden had fallen asleep, uncomfortably sprawled on the chair.

Knowing just how tired she was, Levi was surprised that she had even manged to stay awake long enough to have a conversation with him. From the moment she entered his office, her disheveled appearance, groggy voice and drooping eyes was a give away on her exhaustion.

After she fell asleep, Levi carried her to the sofa in his office, carefully putting her down and wrapping a blanket around her. He made sure to place a soft pillow under her head so she could be more comfortable. Due to the excessive amounts of paperwork he needed to fill in for expeditions, files on the recruits and reports of the Scouts activities, Levi would often sleep in his office. So he always made sure to have a blanket and pillow for those long, overworking nights where he'd grow too tired and simply sleep on the sofa. Now, Arden was the one sleeping on the sofa in his office.

He hadn't admitted it to anyone, but Levi enjoyed Arden's company every night she'd come to help him with paperwork. It was nice to not be so alone and the both of them weren't huge conversationalists, so they could sit in comfortable silence or share a pleasant conversation without it being awkward. It was just so easy for him to feel relaxed in her presence. If it were possible, he'd spend every night with her, the two just sat calmly and relaxed in each others presence. But he needed to sleep, and on the seemingly rare times that she did, Arden needed to sleep too.

Though he also had to admit that he felt uneasy about just how quickly and strongly he'd grown to care for the woman. His thoughts would run wild with her everyday and he'd feel like he's missing something when she wasn't near. Not to mention the increasing worry he had for her, she hardly slept, ate very little or nothing at all. But the worst of all was seeing how haunted by her past she was. Levi didn't know what Arden had been through. Erwin didn't know, or Pixis. Hell, it seemed like no one but the Elite Squad knew just what Arden Croix had had to live through. They were careful, able to speak about their past in a way that no one else would understand.

And Levi Ackerman hated it. He had a growing need to know everything about the mysterious woman. Yet he could never find anything. The only things he knew were the small glimpses Arden had given him, but that wasn't enough to satisfy him.

With a deep sigh, he crouched down to be eye level with the sleeping woman. For a moment he just watched her, the steady rise and fall of the blanket over her torso, how every muscle in her body was relaxed. Long, dark lashes resting on her cheeks and soft puffs of air coming from her slightly parted lips. Arden was in a deep sleep and Levi was sure that she wouldn't even wake up if the castle was under siege by titans. She truly looked peaceful when she was asleep, like she wasn't a tortured woman who felt in control by hiding under an emotionless facade.

Reaching out with his hand, Levi brushed sway a strand of soft raven hair that had fallen from her messy bun, gently tucking the lock behind her ear. "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" He spoke, though he knew she couldn't hear him, not in her deep slumber. Levi allowed his palm to rest on her porcelain cheek, feeling the warmth of her body soak into his skin.

After a few seconds, he stood and returned to his chair at his desk, picking up his pen and continuing with his paperwork. Every now and then sneaking glances at the peacefully sleeping woman across from him.


When morning came around, Levi stayed in his office instead of going to the mess hall for breakfast. He didn't want to leave Arden alone. Also, he had managed a few hours of sleep on his chair, leaning back into it or slumping over his desk. It wasn't as much sleep as what he usually got, but it was enough to get him through the day. Not to mention how much calmer he slept with Arden in the same room.

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