The Breach of Wall Rose

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"W-What?..." Arden stuttered out, blood red eyes widening slightly as she froze in place.

Noticing she'd stopped moving, Levi turned to face her, his voice deadly serious as he watched her reaction, "Yeah. Seems you missed out on a lot when the MPs debriefed you. Then you disappeared to take first watch of Annie. But it's true," his eyes narrowing sternly, "there's Titans in the walls. And it seems the good Pastor Nick knows more than he's letting on."

Arden stared at him in disbelief. Titans? In the walls? Were the thoughts repeating in a constant loop in her mind. Whilst Hange was working on transporting Annie underground with the wire net, Arden had been called to be debriefed by the Military Police. In fact she was one of the first. And after, she decided that she wanted to take the first shift to guard Annie's crystal as it was now underground. No on else was around, in fact the first person she's seen since her talk with Tobias earlier was Levi, right now. So it made sense that she didn't know about the Titans in the walls.

Yet at the same time, she felt like she should've. Her demon abilities allowed her detect the presence of others, yet she'd always wondered why she couldnt detect a Titans presence. In reality, it made sense that she wouldn't know there was Titans inside of the walls because if she cant sense the ones in the open, how would she detect the ones encased in stone? But she still felt like it was her responsibility to know due to her abilities.

Then she looked away from him, eyes and brows narrowing as she was deep in thought. Levi tilted his head at her, turning completely so they were face to face, "What are you thinking?" He asked, curious of the woman's mind. Sure she seemed shocked about the revelation, but she was still far too calm for news as important as this.

"It's just a theory." She whispered. But Levi still heard her.

Raising a single brow at her, he spoke humorously, "You sound like Hange. Don't tell me she's been an influence on you. One of her's already enough." He finished, both of them continuing walking forward as their steps fell in synch.

"Not a chance. I may be intelligent but I doubt I could reach Hange's level. No, this is just something I'm theorising. I'm not even sure of what I'm thinking is plausible. But with how everything is now, it seems likely." She stated, an unsure edge to her voice as if she were reluctant to share the information incase it sounded ridiculous.

"Go on." Levi encouraged, genuinely intrigued of her thought process. He didn't care if it sounded ridiculous because he knew he would take her seriously no matter what.

Arden sighed lightly, brows furrowing deeper as she explained her hypothesis, "One hundred years ago, these walls just, showed up out of nowhere. We couldn't figure out how they were built or where they'd come from. So the church decreed it a gift from God. And I think for a while, people actually started to belive it... But I've always thought it was strange: if the walls have been up for 100 years, why is there no evidence of erosion? No gaps between the rocks? What if..." She paused turning to Levi with a slightly nervous expression, "What if Annie isn't the only Titan who can harden her skin?"

Now it was Levi's turn for his eyes to widen the smallest amount, a barely audible gasp fleeing his lips, "Huh. So there aren't Titans in the walls. But the walls are made of Titans."

"As I said, I could just be grasping at straws. But I don't know what to belive anymore." She looked away. And maybe it was because he could tell that her words had a double meaning, but he reached out. Grabbing her hand in his and intertwining their fingers, giving her a comforting squeeze.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now