Deals [We're Back. I'm Sorry]

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Shocked, scared silence.

That was all Kain was met with upon revealing his true form to the 4 Titan shifters. Their bulging eyes staring at him in horror, mouths hung agape and shivers running down their spines. The dark, unholy image causing every nerve in their bodies to scream with primitive fear.

In this form, Kain Croix was the epitome of evil. His crimson orbs, blood-like in colour, piercing psychotically into those of the terrified onlookers.

Their emotions only fueling the halfbreed with smug satisfaction as the devilish smirk on his lips grew wider. Chest puffing and arms open wide to completely display himself in all his sinful glory.

Across his skin appeared tiger-like stripes that were as pitch black as his eyes. A pleased shudder ran down his spine. "Finally." He breathed out like it was ecstasy, "It's good to let it all out, be me. You have no idea how freeing it feels."

Still frozen in their state of horror, none of the humans could say a word. Any attempt they made died on their tongue. Their minds consumed with nothing but fear.

It stayed like that for a few more seconds, Kain waiting expectantly. But nothing happened.

"Seriously?!" He shouted, a look of pure disgust crossing his features as he slouched. His once mighty posture turning sunken. "I do all of this, make it all dramatic so it's a big reveal! And you have. Nothing. To. Say." Kain watched them all, still expectant of some sort of reaction. But they were all frozen in place.

Finally, he sighed and shook his head. Pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned his back on the shifters. "Why do I bother? Why, do I bother? You do a whole show and don't even get appreciation for it. Fucking rude fuckers. Fucking stupid shifting Titan assholes. Fucking--"

"What are you?..." came Reiner's quiet and cracked voice. His attempts at sounding confident proving futile.

Immediately Kain spun on his heels, noticing how Bertholdt and Eren had visibly flinched at his inhumane speed. "Ah-ha! You talk! Great! So how would you rate my performance?" He beamed brightly, flashing his pearly white canines with a nightmarish smile.

Ymir, breathtaken from the shock of this sudden reveal, couldn't tear her eyes from the sight. Kain Croix. One of the famed soldiers of the Garrisons Elite Squad. The psychotic little brother of Arden Croix. And now, an unknown monster of deadly capacity. "...So you're definitely not a Titan?" She found herself asking, eyes fixated on the countless black tiger stripes etched over his skin.

"Titan- What? Are you all stupid? I mean- duh. Obviously." Kain groaned in frustration, lazily dropping himself to a seated position on the branch, legs swinging impatiently back and forth. With an agitated groan, he puffed out his cheeks before placing his elbows on his knees, and then dug his fists into the sides of his face. "Seriously, how many times do I have to go over this with you? I'm a demon! Well, technically halfbreed, but we dont need to get into the specifics." Finished talking, he laughed heartily before slapping a hand across his knee.

Stunned, Eren shook his head. His eyes bulging even more than before, if that were even possible. Fright written across his very being as he inched backwards. Bertholdt's knees had given up on him, sending him plummeting to the branch as he scurried away, back now pressed against the tree. Even Reiner seemed about ready to book it and run with every inch of desperation he had.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now