Worries and Jokes

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Now in Trost District, the remainder of the Scouts had been joined by the Garrison Regiment under the leadership of the Chief Official of the Southern Territories: Dot Pixis. And more surprising, was the appearance of hundreds of Military Police. Something which truly shocked all the soldiers in attendance. It seemed the MP's finally had no choice but to get up off their asses and leave the safety of the interior to get down with the real work.

Atop the Wall surrounding Trost District, Commander Erwin had just scaled up to meet with Commander Pixis. And blood red eyes watched from below, longing to visit her close, bald-headed friend, yet knowing that she couldn't. Arden wasn't wearing her ODM gear, not since she and Kain had switched places on who would be accompanying Hange on her mission. Of course, there was always the possibility for her to climb the wall using her demonic abilities, but exposing the existence of the demon realm to the hundreds of human soldiers below her was never going to happen. Instead, she would just have to wait until the next time she can visit Pixis, maybe offer him a drink like they did in the good old days. Before Titans and shifters blurred into one of the same thing.

With the sound of pattering footsteps and the feeling of 2 very familiar and welcome presences approaching, Arden snapped her eyes away from the wall and to the approaching honey blonde and lanky brunette. The corners of her lips twitching up into a pleasant smile as her feet had already began walking her towards her family.

"Hey." She called fondly when she neared, two arms being thrown over her shoulders as the honey blonde practically swallowed her in a hug. Leaving Arden to chuckle as she hugged Lydia back.

"We were so worried about you! You were meant to go with Hange but then we found out that you didn't. Was it your injury? Is it getting worse? What can I do to help?" Lydia shot the words out so quickly that Arden didn't almost catch them. Her golden, cat like eyes were staring down at the raven head with so much worry that they had begun to gloss over.

Neither Carlisle or Lydia had seen Arden since they went their separate ways a few hours ago, when Arden was supposed to have left with Hange.

But again, Arden chuckled lightly, taking a hold of the woman's shoulders and giving them a comforting squeeze. "I'm fine, Lydia. Yes, the injury stopped me from going, but now it's completely healed." She reassured, giving the space on her stomach where the wound was, a series of taps just to emphasise that there wasn't any pain and that it really had healed.

"Oh, thank the walls." Lydia sighed in relief, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath as her worried heart began to return to a normal beating pace.

A scoff sounded from beside them, causing both women to snap their heads towards the abnormally tall man who had been observing the interaction. They were just in time to catch Carlisle rolling his eyes, his arms coming up to boredly fold over his chest. "Jeez, you're almost as dramatic as Kain." He commented with a huff.

Earning a soft glare from Lydia who turned to him with a single finger raised and pointed at his chest in a scolding manner. "Now listen here, mister. Don't try and pretend that you weren't running around like a headless chicken trying to get here quick to make sure Ardy was okay."

Carlisle's eyes widening like saucers as his friend had exposed him, arms dropping to his sides. Mouth opening to throw insults like he usually would, but promptly closing. Instead he decided to turn his head away from the honey blonde, grumbling quietly under his breath so only he could hear.

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