●Very Quick Update. Please Read●

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The story is continuing, this update isn't to say that I'm stopping.

If you saw my announcement, you will know that I might not be able to update this week, or the week after (very busy with work)

I've been rereading through this during my breaks to remember everything and I've noticed that in one of my chapters, named Nightshade, I've put that the plant can be used to capture or easily kill a demon.

THIS IS NOT TRUE. I don't know why I contradicted myself in that chapter saying that nightshade can't kill a demon and then saying that it can.

Nightshade CANT KILL A DEMON. Doesn't matter if they're a halfbreed, greater or lesser. Nightshade simply severely weakens them and makes them essentially useless.

Just wanted to clear that up incase I confused anyone. I know I confused myself.

Thankyou again. More chapters are definitely coming! I just can't say when.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora