The Day has Come

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After yesterday, Arden didn't leave her room. No one saw her from midday up until the next morning. It was that morning, the morning of the Scouts 57th Recon Mission in the year 850 that Arden Croix finally emerged from her room. A shadow of the person she had been before. Her usual blank expression now appeared more distraught, tired and hopeless. Yet no one but the Elite Squad knew why.

Ofcourse Kain had told Carlisle, Lydia and Tobias about what had happened, how in that moment he had actually felt scared of his sister. But he never blamed her. The Elite Squad tried countless times to speak to or see Arden, pounding on and shouting at her door until their knuckles bled and throats scratched. But still she didn't answer.

The only person to get some sort of response from her was Kain, who also tried knocking on her door. Earning him a small, barely audible "I'm sorry" before her room fell to the eerie silence once more.

Levi too tried to see her, but his efforts were also in vain. Arden didn't want to see anyone. She was too busy hating herself and the monster she had very little control over.

So when morning finally rolled around and Arden silently prepped her horse Zazel for the expedition, she made no efforts to speak to anyone. Barking orders being her only words.

Guilt was eating away at Kain and he wanted nothing more than to run to his sister and apologise a thousand sorrys just so she could go back to her normal self. But he knew her better than that. The only thing Arden Croix wanted, the only thing she needed was time: time to forgive herself, to heal, to think. And she was thankful that the Elite Squad was giving it to her.

She knew that once she had the time she needed she would make amends with her brother, to prove to him and herself that she wasn't the monster that creeped deep within her. Arden was an exceptional demon, she was far stronger than any half breed should've been, she possessed abilities that no demon- regardless of status- should have. She knew this. She knew that the dark demonic energy crawling inside of her was far more malevolent and savage than any energy that had ever been heard of in the demon realm.

She knew the risks. She knew she was a monster.


The day has come.

The Scouts gathered at the gates of the Calaneth District, a loud bell ringing incessantly. Signaling the Scouts arrival and start of the 57th Expedition. The group of hundreds of Scouts was spearheaded by Commander Erwin Smith, him and Hange Zoe leading the way.

Towards the back center of the group was the Special Operations Squad and the Elite Squad: led by Captain Levi Ackerman and Team Leader Arden Croix. Eren Jeager, possibly the most important asset to humanity to date, sat guarded in the center, surrounded by the 10 people responsible for his life and safety.

The Special Operations Squad served as Eren's main source of protection, whilst the Elite Squad was to be used for additional support. Arden knew what Erwin was planning and once Eren's safety could be assured, the Elite Squad were to regroup with the Commander and aid in Titan clean up: should the need arise. But in this field of work, it was without a doubt that a Titan Incursion would take place beyond Wall Rose.

Pulling the reins on her horse, Zazel came to a stop as did the rest of the Scouts. They were currently positioned at the Calaneth District gate, awaiting its opening. Another set of trotting hooves to her left alerted her of someone's presence and she didn't have to look to guess who it was.

"Should I be concerned?" Came Levi's stoic question, his steel grey eyes concentrated ahead, just like Arden's blood red ones.

"About the expedition or me? Because if its the latter than you have your priorities confused, Captain." Was her cold reply, the usual calm tone of her voice now stern and icy.

Levi turned his head to face her, surprised at her cold tone and use of his title. He didn't like it. But his eyes landed on hers. Yes they were dull before, but now they seemed shades duller. Devoid of life and joy, like they were withered away and without purpose. He opened his mouth to speak, ready to question her about what happened yesterday as if his life depened on knowing the answer, but she swiftly silenced him. "I am a soldier before I am anything else. I will give my life for humanity should it need it. And nothing will jeopardise this mission. That's all I have to say on the matter."

Then she trotted her horse forward, leaving no room for Levi to argue as he felt a pang in his heart. He knew that Arden was labeled 'The Perfect Soldier' but he had never really believed it. But seeing her now, all personal feelings pushed aside and mind and soul solely focused on the mission, he knew it was true. But he prayed that she would never give up her life as easily as she said she would.

"Commander, the time approaches." A Scout called out in a firm, stoic voice, typical of a soldier. Above all the noise: the metal clang of the bell, the messy patter of horse hooves and hushed whispers of the Scouts, the voice stood out. "Titans in the vicinity have been lured away. Gate opens in 30 seconds."

Eren smiled fondly at 2 young children admiring the Scouts from the window of their house. Eyes wide with awe and hearts filled with innocent hope. It reminded him much of himself when he was younger and he and Mikasa would watch the Scouts return from their expeditions. He too had that same hope that burned through his veins and flooded his heart. Humanity was ready to win. Humanity was going to win.

"This is it!" A voice shouted, "The day has come for humanity to take another step forward! Now let's show those Titans exactly what we're made of!"

All the Scouts erupted into loud cheers, their swords raised high above their heads as they called out for victory.

When the large, Stone gate began to lift, Levi cast a look behind him. The ready faces of his Squad and the Elite Squad. Eren's determined expression as he slightly gripped his reins tighter. The crazed look on Kain's face as he itched to slaughter the Titans, the one that morphed into guilt and longing when he glanced at his sisters back. Levi followed his gaze, landing on the stoic Arden. She looked calm. Too calm. As if she had to force herself to be ready for the expedition. Yet at the same time he could see the desperate twitch of her fingers as they brushed her swords hilt. She was itching for a fight. These faces, the ones of the people around him, were the people Levi had faith in. Their job was to protect Eren, and looking around at the determined faces around him, Levi wouldn't have chosen anyone different.

The gate had finally opened, rising high above the ground. "FORWARD!" Erwins thunderous voice boomed. His horse reigning in on its back legs with a mighty neigh before charging forward, instantly followed by the storm of Scouts behind him. He bellowed out once more with a terrifying look of pure, unbridled purposefulness. "ITS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! THE 57TH RECON MISSION! SCOUTS, MOVE OUT!"


(Aaannnnd from here we are back to the series.

Calling out your nammeee~)

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