The 57th Recon Mission part II: Trust

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The round sent out a painfully loud noise, causing everyone to instinctively bring their hands to their ears to attempt to drown out the sound.

Everything was instead replaced with an irritatingly incessant ringing. If the acoustic round had been any louder, their eardrums would've ruptured.

But no one was effected more than Arden and Kain. Their demonic heritage meaning their senses were heightened. So hypersensitive ears with a loud, deafening sound wasn't a fun combo.

The two immediately gripped at their ears, fingers clawing away at the skin like it would help soothe the ache. Their faces twisted and contorted into all manners of unshakeable pain. "GAH!" Kain gasped loudly, the strain in his voice only emphasising the pain he felt.

Arden felt as her eyes rolled to the back of her head for a split second, her body swaying slightly to one side, threatening to fall from her horse before she quickly caught herself. Arden was right next to the acoustic shell as it went off whilst Kain was much further away, toward the back of the group. She grit her teeth harshly to contain the pained grunt that threatened to escape.

Levi glanced at her worriedly having seen her almost fall from her horse and the twisted expression of pain on her face. But she quickly waved him off, breathing heavily as everything slowly startled to settle down.

"Was that an acoustic round?" Eren questioned, fingers still being used to plug his ears as the ringing echoed away from them and out of the forest.

After checking once more that Arden was alright, Levi turned around to face the squads, a slight annoyance at their prior want to rush in and kill the Female Titan. "Remind me, what is our mission? Is it to simply act on impulse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you. It's not. These squads mission is to keep this brat alive, whatever the cost. Don't forget it." He lectured calmly yet coldly.

Levi turned to face forward, carrying on with his fast speed, "We keep pushing forward, on horseback. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Captain!" Carlisle and Tobias chanted simultaneously, their faces now set in determination.

"As a bell, sir!" Petra called.

Eren gave her an incredulous look, "But for how long? We can't keep running forever!"

"Just listen to the Captain, Eren." Lydia spoke sternly in her sweet voice.

But Eren ignored her, turning around to face the still fast approaching Female Titan, "She's right on top of us as it is. If we don't do something soon-- No!" He cried in despair, watching as 2 more Scouts zipped out from behind the Female Titan and she covered her nape, protecting her weak spot. "They keep coming! They're all gonna die unless we turn around and do something!"

"Hey, shithead! What did I say about 'focus'?" Carlisle grumbled in annoyance. Eyes set into a hard glare at the resistful boy.

Gunther joined in, "Eyes front! Stop lookin' behind us!" He commanded firmly.

"Seriously?" Eren asked in incredulity.

But Eld swiftly shut him down, "Keep pace with the group! Maintain top speed or we're all dead!"

"Eld, please! Help them! If the Levi Squad and Arden Squad can't stop this thing, then who can? Those men need us!" Eren tried to plead with his superior, but he knew it wouldn't work. These soldiers were going to follow Captain Levi's orders even if they didn't agree with them.

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