Childhood Trust

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With having slept for a few days, Arden was thankfully back on her feet. She helped Levi, Hange and Miche train the recruits and prepare them for the expedition in three weeks time.

Everything was going smoothly.

Apart from the fact that she spent the last hour looking for Kain, only for him to be nowhere in the castle. She checked the training grounds, stables, his room, mess hall, library, everywhere. But the little bastard was nowhere to be seen.

Turning a corner, she headed straight for Carlisle who had just entered the castle from the training grounds. Her shoulders were tense and her jaw clenched as her tone was harsh yet worried, "Carlisle. Have you seen Kain? I'm gonna kill him when I find him."

Carlisle's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting his team leader to hound him as soon as he entered. He watched as she almost stomped over to him, eyes narrowed in anger.

"Relax." Carlise stated as he raised his hands at her, "He's alright. Just went out to feed."

Her body immediately relaxed at his words, face returning neutral as she let out a breath. "And he couldn't tell me: why?"

Carlisle smirked whilst folding his arms over his chest, "That's because you spent all day mingling with the Captain." He leaned down closer to her, his tone smug and suggestive, "What were the two of you doing all day, exactly?"

"Paperwork." She answered simply, not quite catching what the tall man was hinting at.

Carlisle stood up straight with a groan, his arms dropping defeatedly to his sides. He huffed with annoyance, "You know, for someone so smart you're always a complete idiot. Its either you're playing dumb to my question or you really spent the whole day doing paperwork with the Captain. Why don't you make a move--"

A familiar sweet, sickly smell filled the air around her. She could recognise it anywhere. After all, it was the one thing that ruined her life whilst simultaneously keeping her alive. As soon as the smell caught her attention, she tuned out Carlisle ramblings, not being able to focus on anything but the scents origin.

Blood red eyes darted across his entire form, scanning for any injuries. That's when her eyes landed on his hands. The skin across his knuckles was split and bruised. They were a bright pink colour and small red dots had formed on the broken skin.

Grabbing his hands, she cut off his ramblings. Carlisle watched surprised as she began to inspect his hands, specifically his knuckles. Gently rubbing her thumbs over them. He also noted how warm her hands were as she held his.

"You're bleeding." She stated calmly, her blood red eyes never leaving his hands.

Carlisle looked down at his knuckles, surprised to see that she was right and his knuckles were bloodied and bruised. He didn't even feel the pain of it. "Huh? It must've happened whilst I was training. Section Commander Miche Zacharius is the real deal. Bastard's gotta lot of skill."

As he finished, he noticed how Arden was still staring at his beaten hands that were clasped in her own. It was like she was in a trance, just staring blankly.

Carlisle sighed knowing exactly what it meant. Grabbing her chin, he tilted her head upwards to look at him. "When was the last time you fed?" He whispered as softly as his gruff voice would allow him.

Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now