30.Earn it yourself

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Stepping inside the CEO's private jet, Jungkook stared at Taehyung for a few seconds, expecting him to start a conversation.Even though he know it'll be going to be silent again just like the car drive.Taehyung didn't spare a single glance at the other.Jungkook took a deep breath as he thought it's a good chance for him to apologise to the CEO for the other day and talk everything out here itself.Maybe Taehyung will forgive him this time because Emma's company is ready to give a second chance to fix everything.With a little hope Jungkook called.


"Don't worry it won't take long.You don't have to tolerate me for more than three days.I'll take you back home by then" Taehyung said still not looking at koo.Jungkook nodded his head to himself with a sad smile before turning his head to other side and closing his eyes.It's better to take a nap rather than talking to his husband.Taehyung's taunting words are just hurting him more that Jungkook already regret saying all those things to him when the other proposed that honeymoon idea.
Now he just need to prepare himself for everything going to happen in US.He don't know whether his husband will take him along with him to meet Emma or not.But if he do then Jungkook need much prepration to behave nicely with that lady.He can't be silly this time again just to ruin this second chance for his husband's dream project also.So he made himself ready to respond calmly to anything that's going to happen there.

Jungkook woke up from his deep slumber when Taehyung called him.
Rubbing his eyes, the sleepy Jungkook followed Taehyung behind wherever the other is guiding him to.He was not fully woke up yet that he didn't notice his surroundings or where his husband is taking him to.

The receptionist smiled widely at the Kim couple before greeting them.
"Everything done?" Taehyung asked the lady who passed another polite smile before replying.
"All perfect sir" The CEO nodded in response before taking the key from the lady.

Jungkook yawned covering his mouth with his palm now roaming his eyes around the place they were as Taehyung is busy talking to the receptionist.
Jungkook found people enjoying there time at the tables having their food happily, not people actually.He found couples more everywhere.He can see a beach from the glass window and there also he found couple roaming around with their body barely covered with some clothes.The sleepiness left the bunny fully when he noticed they are not in some elite hotels, where Taehyung usually stays when he's out for any business matters.He snapped his head to read the name of the place and he found the name of that building really familiar.It was the same resort Taehyung wanted to have their honeymoon.But it was in Hawaii and they are now in US.Then how's it possible?

Is he still sleepy that he's seeing things now?Jungkook smacked his own head to make sure he's not sleepy anymore.
"Sir, this way please" The voice of staff brought Jungkook's attention back.He followed Taehyung behind, with the staff of the resort guiding them.
They walked for a few minutes before the staff stopped infront of a seperate cottage, a little far away from the main building.
"This is your cottage sir.Enjoy your time" The staff bowed to the couple with a smile before leaving them alone.

Jungkook's lips unknowingly formed a smile looking at the mesmerizing view of the beach just infront of their cottage.It felt so calming and peaceful.

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