52.I need you

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Jungkook was panting heavily in anger as he almost tore his shirt while unbuttoning it.Removing his clothes he shuffled through his wardrobe in an attempt to find anything comfy to wear.But his totally irritated mind doesn't felt like wearing any of them.

So he turned to Taehyung's clothes section and picked one long shirt of his husband.He brought the piece of cloth close to his face as he nuzzled into the smooth fabric to get met with the fade scent of his favourite cologne.His man's smell!
A relieved sigh left his lips as he kept inhaling more of the shirt with closed eyes as his frown disappeared with a soft smile adorning his face.He can feel all his worries melting into nothing as his whole being filled with an odd peace.This man, his hubby can make him feel at ease at any worst situation.His Hubby! Jungkook shot open his eyes at that.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath when he found the man laying sideways on the bed back facing him.Jungkook can clearly guess he was upset.Every other day when he came back from office he was welcomed by a super clingy bear who would be in a mood to cuddle the life out of his wifey with lots of warm hugs and sweet innocent kisses.And that's all Jungkook need to feel alive after a stressful dying day as a CEO.He loved how his husband instantly made him forget all his stress with his stupid lame jokes and flirty comments.But today was different.He was not at all in his right mind to think anything rationally as his mind was occupied with only one person.Still that doesn't make it a good excuse to say such things to his husband.Sometimes the words from our loved ones will hurt us the most than any other thing.

"Can't you control your tongue stupid bunny?You hurt him" He scolded himself looking at the mirror glaring at himself, pointing his index finger at his naked self on the mirror.

Slapping his own forehead Jungkook hurriedly put on the shirt before climbing on the bed and wrapping his arms around the sleeping figure in a tight grip.
He tightened the grip when he got no response as he scootted closer to his husband.

"Hubby, I'm sorry" He whispered, softly placing his baby lips on Taehyung's nape to which Taehyung closed his eyes more tight, gripping on the blanket as his eyes got more teary.

"Baby, i know you're not sleeping, turn around now" Jungkook said trying to flip the man but Taehyung was way too strong that he didn't budge an inch.

"Hubby please talk to me.I didn't mean to shout at you i swear.It's just I was so mad and frustrated that's why.You know that right I don't have any control over myself when I'm angry.Please forget it hubby.Koo is sorry" Jungkook pleaded as his eyes started to fill with tears.He know he shouted at Taehyung for no reason.He shouldn't have said all those.But Taehyung not talking to him is too much for him.

"T-tae please" Jungkook's bottom lip wobbled when again Taehyung didn't turn back.

"You're not going to talk to me?Really??"

"But I said sorry already?"

"I didn't mean what i said hubby"

"Please talk to me"

"That Emma bitch came to my office today" Taehyung hastly turned around in a flip as he took his almost crying wife in his arms, securing him in his strong arms.

"When?For what?What did she say?Did she hurt you?Are you okay?" Taehyung asked in one breath as he stared at his wife's puffed face in concern which made Jungkook cry.The tears stains on Taehyung's cheeks are pinching his heart.He really didn't mean to shout at him.

"Koo why are you crying?What did she do?I swear I'll kill that bitch today.What she did?Tell me" Taehyung asked gritting his teeth thinking Jungkook is crying because of her.But the bunny is crying because he's guilty for shouting at his hubby.

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