Chapter 2

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About 500 meters from the starter dungeon is a village market. It's where hunters can buy and sell item drops.

I walked up to an older looking man and asked if he'd buy my mana crystals. The going price is about 1 bronze coin per unit of mana energy. Goblin crystals coincidentally have about 1 unit of mana in them.

The man took my two crystals and threw them on a small silver dish connected to a machine by the cash register. Black letters on the blue screen read "2.1MU" he handed me two bronze coins and asked for my hunters card.

"I don't have one yet, I was awakened today."

"Oh alright, it's not going to be problem with this quantity of mana but you should stop by the hunters association and get a card before diving back into the dungeon."

"You're right sir, thank you!"

With my 2 newly earned bronze coins I half skipped my way back to my apartment.

Right on the corner less than 50 meters from my home is a bakery. I decided to buy myself a cake to celebrate. When I finally got back, I ate the whole thing within a few hours.

With a full stomach and the added fatigued of fighting my first monster today I drifted off to sleep dreaming of my adventures to come.

The next morning I took the first train straight to the hunters association. As I watched the houses fly by out the window I opened up my status and saw that my HP had fully recovered overnight as well as the slash on my arm. I smiled and just stared at my status the whole trip.

[Status Open]


Name: Jay Soju

Level: 2

Hp: 15/15

Mp: 15/15

Strength: 12

Speed: 13

Agility: 15

Defense: 12

Mental Strength: 12



Items Equipped:

Iron Dagger


When I walked inside a middle aged women with long black hair and a blinding white smile greeted me.

"Hi welcome to the hunters association, how can we help you today?"

"U-Uhh I need to register. I was awakened yesterday."

"Alright perfect come this way."

I followed her to a small booth area where she immediately said "smile" and took my picture. She said asked me to open my status so I  showed her. She glanced at it quickly and wrote my name followed by my level in a notepad with many other names in it.

"Alright, thank you for coming in today. Please wait 5 minutes for me."


She went into a back room for a few minutes. I waited patiently. The woman came back out with that same blinding white smile on her face and gave me a small card.

It looked just like a driver's license. It had my name, my picture, the association's logo, and a large letter "E" on the top right side of the card.

There is a class system for hunters. Once you're awakened you are automatically given the "E Class" appraisal. It's the most basic hunters ID you can acquire. I looked at it bright eyed.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ