Chapter 162

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While pondering the idea of using this new technique against those Berserkers on floor 19, I make my way back to the Inn.

Opening up the front door with a creak, I walk inside to see the usual crowd. Just under a dozen hunters split up into a few parties, all sitting around circular tables enjoying food and drink.

I spot the blue and red-haired duo on the exact same table we ate breakfast at this morning.

As I begin to walk over, Rylan spots me at the door.

"Back so soon? What happened? You gave up already? It's been less than 4 hours, you couldn't have finished your training already... That's impposib-"

I wave and give him a tired smile.

"Not done yet. Just taking a break."

My footsteps are heavy, making awkward clunking sounds as I walk over to the table of two. Mr. Conway spots me on the way over and shouts out from the back.

"Hey, the new Elite just returned from his first day of training! How'd it go?"

A few heads turn from the various hunters I pass by on my way to the back of the room, but I'm too third to pay them any mind.

"Good, fine. Food would be great."

He smirks giving me a firm nod.

"Take a seat, it'll be out before you know it."

I nod, giving the kind old man another thin smile, then take a seat.

Fisher waves to the Innkeeper motioning for him to add 2 more people to that food order, then turns to me. Finally, he speaks up with a stern look on his face.

"You're back too early. What happened?"

I reply.

"Way too much mana... I used too much mana. That's all, I'll be back out there tomorrow."

It's true. I thought I could handle more than this, I've burned through hundreds of thousands of MP per day in the past. That was in a much different environment though, it seems I do have limits...

Fisher nods.

"Yeah. It's better to take it slow and concentrate on as much as you can on each attack. I'm sure you've learned at least that much so far."

I reply.

"Blowing a hole through this mountain isn't the goal. It's letting the cut fly through the mountain itself that I'm really after."

A wide grin shows on Fisher's face as he gets up, pointing at Rylan.

"Haha! 10 silver, hand it over. I knew he'd figure it out!"

The redhead's face starts to match his hair color as he replies.

"H-Hey no way! It was like 3 hours or maybe 4 tops, that's impossible! You must have told him when I wasn't looking!"

He looks at me with a flustered expression.

I shrug, not knowing exactly what all the fuss is about.

Fisher eyes Rylan up and down, then the redhead reaches into his item box to place a handful of silver on the table.

"Fine, here you go. You won fair and square. I guess Jay did figure out the purpose of this training on day 1. Now we'll just see if he can pull it all together.

I throw my hands up in the air.

"Hey, hey. I still need another day or so. I'm still getting used to all of this!"

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