Chapter 171

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In the blink of an eye, I'm back. I open up my item storage and use enemy detection to scan my surroundings. Ember flies out and stretches his wings.

"We're back."

I smirk.

"Indeed we are."

I've been climbing the Labyrinth floors for hours. Too many hours... but I can't let any more time be wasted. I have plenty of energy left and I'm itching to use it all up.

Reaching my enemy detection skill to the depths of the 19th floor, I locate that red-skinned 4m tall level 408 creature once again.

I place my hand on Emebr's wing and teleport back to that glossy square-shaped battlefield. Waiting patiently, the respawned Berskerer Giant going turns its head to me, showing off that toothy grin I know so well.

Its green eyes lock on me and the beast begins charging forward at once. Ember flies up into the sky to let me handle this one alone.

I take out my blade and begin powering up a strike as the monster approaches from roughly 100m away. Its heavy feet crack the ground as runs at me showing a murderous look in its eyes.

I smirk, standing in place while I grip my red glowing blade.

The beast comes closer and closer. I feel the ground shake as it approaches, but continue to focus on refining my attack to its full potential.

In just 10 seconds, I manage to charge up over 450 MP worth of energy into a paper-thin strike. With a yell of excitement, I let the black crescent of mana fly.

It's silent, soaring through the air with ease as the Berserker plows toward me not thinking twice about the powerful energy attack aimed straight at its torso.

Moments before impact, I watch the dense mana shielding appear as my attack threatens to make contact with the monster's chest plate.

Without a hint of resistance, it glides right through.

Less than 10m in front of me, I watch my dark blade of fire slice this Berserker in half without slowing down for a second.

The creature's eyes open wide as it realizes its fate. Both halves of the beast still rocket toward me with impressive momentum. I air-step out of the way to watch the bloody mess roll to a stop over 30 meters behind me.

Letting out a chuckle, I look up to the sky to see Ember watching with great satisfaction. He speaks to me through our link.

"It looks like your month of training has definitely paid off. Shall we continue to climb?"

I grin at the dark black Dragon in the sky. I can tell he's just as eager to gain more levels, just like me. His next rank-up is definitely one of the only things on his mind. I admire Ember for that, he doesn't care about much else...

Me neither.

I walk over to the dissolving corpse and pick up the lone mana crystal it drops. I throw it into my stash and drink an MP potion from my storage.

There's nearly an unlimited supply of these Association-funded potions, it'll take me forever to run through them. I'll use them while I can.

I begin air-stepping up to the Dragon hovering high in the sky, then get on Emebr's back. We begin soaring around the 19th-floor dungeon for the next hour or so hunting Berserkers on sight.

Most of them are around levels 402-404. I vary my energy slashes and begin to keep a record of how well they perform. The minimum amount of MP used while at the correct hair-thin width is just about 300MP. I can manage one of these in just about 3 seconds now. Any lower than that, and the monster in question needs to be weakened before a less-charged slash can do any damage.

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