Chapter 143

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Arie really did it. He managed to land an attack on a Titan.

There is actual physical damage on one of these massive sentient endless voids of mana. I'm not sure exactly how his attack is able to do it, but that doesn't matter right now...

Arie smirks looking over to me.

"See, they're not that bad. You were scared for nothing."

I still stare wide-eyed at the beast but crack a small smile.

"I guess you were right, they-"

Stopping halfway through my reply, the grin plastered across my face slowly fades away. The 3m wide hole on the front of the Titan's featureless face begins to shrink and the humming sound of dense mana in the air begins to grow louder and louder.

It's still well over 200m away, but approaching at a steady rate. Arie tightens his bowstring again and readies another arrow.

The smart thing to do would be to grab him and Dungeon Walk out of here before that Titan releases its shockwave, like before, casting us off into the endless void within it. My curiosity takes over though, I want to see what kind of attack his new bow shot really is.

Activating my All-Seeing Eye, watching the mana flow through Arie's body as he charges up another arrow.

That's right... he charges up his arrow. Highly refined mana flows through his body to form a dense arrow in his quiver. It's similar to my own refined mana...

The archer lets the arrow soar again.

It flies through the air leaving a light white glow in its wake. I recognize this arrow from the exam, but I didn't have the same understanding of mana control back then. I'm sure Arie's [Legendary Grade] skill adds to its power, but the actual strength behind his attack is due to the density and purity of the mana within it.

I gave him a lot less credit than he deserved... Arie has been a much more skilled Hunter than I first imagined.

As his arrow soars, more connections come together in my head. I remember watching my own refined mana attacks splitting through the void like butter, soon to heal up just like Arie's first unsuccessful strike.

Maybe my own attack will be strong enough to pierce the void of a Titan from the outside now too...

I grin as his arrow slices another clean 3m wide hole in the monster's featureless head. Gripping both of my blades, I begin to charge up an attack of my own. Just one... Then I'll portal us out of here.

I carefully open the spacial magic portal of my item storage against my back. I've been meaning to try a move like this for a while. Letting the mana crystals fall out, the moment they make contact with my body I activate plunderer and take in their MP.

My attack charges up slowly as the Void Creeper's wound heals.

I've rested and regained a lot of my strength since the last time I tried one of these attacks. The mana coursing through my veins feels denser and more stable than ever before, the only problem is the speed of absorption.

For this is a trial run, I don't need to go all out, but I want to release something very powerful. After about 30 seconds, I channel over 10,000MP into my blades and let the crescents of energy soar.

Not having an abundance of pure mana around me makes it much harder to plunder and imbue my blades. The efficiency rate has dropped by nearly 1/3 outside The Titan's Domain.

Even in my slightly weakened state, I still let out a devastating attack. The transparent blade of wind and the deep black blade of fire cut through the air aiming straight toward the monster's midsection.

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