Chapter 190

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My eyes shut and the feeling of weightlessness takes over my body. My senses go dark as I fall down to the floor.

The warm flames from the blast below envelope everything in sight and a grin creeps across my face as I pass out from extreme fatigue on the spot.

The only thoughts running through my mind as I plummet toward the floor are: "I did it. I defeated the Behemoth."

The curious final words of the floor boss get lost in the chaos of my rapidly decreasing active conscious brain power.

Everything goes black...


Time passes.


"... Master. Are you finally waking?"


I lie on my back and a light breeze is flowing on my face.

I let out a cough and struggle to open my eyes.

Everything around me is so bright. There's a pale green tint that fills my vision as I try to visualize my surroundings.

I hear Ember speak through our link again.

"It's been over a full day, Master. You've been completely unconscious since the battle ended."

I stay on my back, letting my eyes adjust to the view above me. There are white clouds, but the sky is tinted with an unsettling green hue.

I feel hard scales beneath me and catch a glimpse of two black wings flapping on either side of my vision.

I'm in the air, riding on Ember's back.

I try to move my hand up to feel my face, but my arm won't budge. Letting out a groan, I checked my status to see my HP at under 100 and my MP at nearly 0.

My arms and legs feel numb while my mouth is horribly dry. I shiver, letting out another cough that sends a sharp pain through my chest and back. I grit my teeth and close my eyes until the pain subsides.

After taking a deep breath in and out, then letting the cool air pass by my face for a moment, I reply through my link with Ember.

"Well, it looks like I won. Good to see you're all right too."

I let out a light chuckle with my eyes still closed. It hurts to even let out a thin smile, but knowing Ember is below me makes me feel a little better.

My stomach feels empty, and my skin feels itchy. Everything hurts, but everything feels numb at the same time.

I'm horribly ill. This must be the worst case of mana withdrawals I've ever felt before.

I lie motionless for over half an hour before building up the strength to open my eyes again.

The white clouds and pale green sky fill my vision again as I activate my storage skill to let 3 items fall out onto my chest.

Two potions and a bottle of water come down with a thud, landing in the opening where my chest plate is broken in half.

Using all my strength, I lift my right arm to bring an HP potion to my lips.

Sweating and grunting, I uncork the small bottle and drink the cool green liquid, letting out a sigh of relief as I immediately feel energy flood back into me.

After this, I let the empty bottom drop to my side, and let my arm fall too.

That was exhausting...

My breathing is heavy, and sweat covers my forehead, but I need to finish what I started.

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