Chapter 140

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After scolding us for being so enthusiastic about wanting to fight Titans, the 4 of us quiet down a bit.

Tripp may have been a mood killer to some members of the group, but I completely understand where he's coming from. The blond-haired dagger wielder is just looking out for us. He must have lost some teammates to one in the past, judging by his tone.

As we carry on deeper into the dungeon, the base-level mobs begin to appear. I let Maria and Abby handle them, they're a bit more trigger-happy today than usual.

They are both much more agile than the charging monstrous Rhinos and have the perfect magic abilities to aid their fight. Frozen solid and skewered by stone, the charging beasts don't stand a chance against this duo.

Arie and I decide to stand back and watch. The monsters are too low-level to gain any exp, engaging in battle with them would be more of a resource drain than a worthwhile fight.

Tripp realizes pretty quickly that all 4 of us are no normal newbie C-Class group of recruits and strikes up a conversation as the girls battle it out with another beast.

"I heard from the Director that your squad was going to be a special one. He told me both of you have some pretty rare abilities and rather unpredictable luck."

He pauses for a moment, then continues.

"The old man stressed that you'd be a bunch of battle junkies with a death wish. I assumed you'd all be decent fighters, but had no idea you'd be able to fight off these mobs this easily..."

Arie grins.

"Oh just wait until we see one of those mutants, I can't wait to go all out. I'm still pissed off at that examiner named Rodrigo, he wouldn't let me use my bow in our final boss fight. I could have definitely joined the action with you Jay."

I raise an eyebrow, remembering the 16th-floor showdown that seemed like an eternity ago. To Arie, it was less than 2 days in the past....

"Oh yeah? You could have handled the boss?"

"Yeah easy, one arrow to the head and it would have been over-"

I laugh with a satisfied smirk, appreciating his confidence, but doubting his strength.

Tripp jumps in again.

"So, Jay. Now that we're not under the lurking eyes and ears of the Association, you have to tell me how you did it?"

"How I.. did what?"

Tripp's face curls into a goofy yet devious grin, like a little kid with a secret.

"You know... how you trained with me during the exam? I was on guard duty during the C-Class exams. I've been thinking it over and over in my head like a madman. There's no plausible explanation. How could you have possibly been in the labyrinth and at the Dungeon Hub at the same time? I even looked in your records, the only skills you have logged are Swordsmanship, Dagger Mastery, and your Advanced Fire Summoning."


"Come on, you said you'd tell me, remember?"

I gulp. Vaguely remembering the day I signed my contract with the Association. I do recall Tripp asking how I did it... and I brushed it off like it was nothing.

"Well... I uhm..."

Arie lets out a laugh.

"Oh, you really used that thing? I thought you were saving that teleportation item for a rainy day. Don't tell me you actually used it in the exam between tests..."

The tan-skinned bow wielder continues to laugh. I crack a thing smile, deciding to go along with his nonsense.

"Well, I guess I just thought now or never right? Magic items are meant to be used aren't they."

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