Chapter 109

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The red-skinned golden-glowing High Ogre stares me down 5m away at most.

I can smell its breath from here.

The grip on my left hand's dagger tightens as my sword glows red hot in the other.

We analyze each other for another couple of seconds, then simultaneously charge forward aiming our blades at the other for a kill shot.


The monster learned its lesson from our last clash. My sword collides with its shield as my dagger blocks the long silver sword. Scraping metal noises fill my ears as I push the beast forward. Sparks fly, but the creature grunts and jumps back before I can manage to land an attack.

Blood still drips from its abdomen from my earlier hit. I watch the heavy-breathing monster analyze my stance and come charging at me again.

I run forward as well, thinking of ways to switch things up this time around.

Moments before impact, I air-step using my right foot, turning 90 degrees mid-lunge mimicking the movements of my first successful attack.

The monster's eyes track my change in direction and it counters with its shield, painfully remembering its previously failed attempt.

I grin, then air-step again with my left foot launching me about 4m in the air just above my opponent's head. It lets out a grunt and shifts its shield in confusion while craning its neck to follow my flight path.

I throw my dagger straight ahead as I fly over the beast. It continues to lift its shield and watch me from above as I abruptly shift the dagger's trajectory using telekinesis.

The High Ogre's eyes are open wide with fear once again as it stares at me from below. A shining black blade flies toward its open neck.

I create a dense pocket of wind magic above me, then push myself down with a red-hot glowing sword at the ready.

It raises its shield while simultaneously being stabbed in the neck by my surprise dagger. I created the perfect distraction...


The massive hulking Ogre lets out a roar as blood spurts from its neck and my blade hits its shield. Its long silver weapon attempts a swing at me, but I twist my body out of the way while controlling my telekinesis to push the dagger deeper and deeper.

I let out a laugh as I stand 3m away from the rage-filled blood-soaked monster. With an outstretched left hand, I pull my blade from the beast's neck, tearing away even more flesh. It flies through the air back into my grip covered in a thick crimson liquid.

The gold-glowing Ogre is a tough one, I've got to give it that. Even with my insane stack of buffs, it can still take 2 good hits from me and almost rival my strength. I hear its blood gurgle in the back of its throat as the beast breathes heavily and grunts while continuing to stare me down.

The High Ogre runs forward again holding its blade steady and its shield held high covering its wounded areas. It's a much more defensive attack strategy, but there's no other way for it to win this brawl otherwise.

I look up at the charging monster and whip my dagger at it using telekinesis while covering the blade in a dense layer of wind magic.

I use this quick moment before our collision to take a deep breath in through my nose, then exhale through my mouth. I concentrate a steady flow of mana into my long sword allowing it to glow bright red.

Dark flames and dense swirls of wind magic engulf my sword growing hotter and hotter as they fuel each other draining me almost completely dry of my entire mana supply. I raise my blade high up above my head while watching the shiny black dagger whistle through the air at the monster ahead.

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