Chapter 60

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I made my way back to the market with a smile on my face.

The guild took the 7 mana from those other monsters, so I think it's fair that I get to keep the big mana from the boss. It ended up being a pretty even split. The Minotaur Horn, on the other hand... I'll just take it as compensation for dealing the final blow to the boss. They didn't even see me place it in my item storage, so it's fair game in my mind.

About 15 minutes later I walked into the square and waved to the old merchant.

"Hey kid! How's it going? What do ya have for me today?"

I dumped my mana out onto the silver scale. It read out 3104.53MU.

"I have one more thing for you as well."

I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was looking and reached into my item storage to pull out the large Minotaur Horn.


I set the huge item on the table and looked at the merchant with a satisfied smile on my face.

"What can you give me for this? I need to buy a new sword today too, so give me your best price."

The merchant raised an eyebrow and his eyes went wide as he examined the horn. I watched him scratch his head and feel every inch of it for a solid 30 seconds straight. He finally looked up.

"This is some rare C Grade material we're working with here. I'm sure people would pay 5 gold.. No, even 10 gold if you found the right buyer for this."

I smirked.

"What is it even used for?"

"Well, if you can find a good blacksmith, horns like these can be turned into incredible blades. I personally have never seen one of this size, you could make an incredible sword out of it."

I grinned while thinking back to my battle with the Minotaur. It shattered 6 axes and my main sword like they were made of glass.

"Where can I find a blacksmith?"

"If you go to the main shopping center, there's a pretty good sword shop on the 8th floor. It's called Apollo's Sword shop I can give you an addre-"

"Oh! I've been there before. They do custom work?"

The merchant nodded.

"That's great. Yeah, bring that horn in. I'm sure they'll have a blacksmith available." 

"Thanks! Oh, and for the mana. How about 30 silver?"

The old man nodded once.

"Works for me. As always, pleasure doing business."

I shook the merchant's hand and placed the silver coins along with the Minotaur's horn into my item box.

"You too. Thanks again, old man!"

With a wave goodbye, I turned and headed off to the shopping center.

When I arrived I walked into the building to look up and see the sky. This building has some beautiful architecture. The glass walls and open-view ceiling still amaze me. I came here with Rei and Maria not too long ago to buy weapons and test out the sim training rooms.

The sun is starting to set, the orange light is shining through the building's open roof as I started to go upstairs. Moments later, I made it to the 8th floor and walked over to the familiar shop.

A woman wearing a suit greeted me with a small bow.

"Welcome to Apollo's Sword Shop. Will it just be you today?"

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