Chapter 66

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Bri smiled while looking straight ahead at the ongoing performance.

"Theodore is strong. Much stronger than you."

I gulped.

"Really? Should I drop ou-"

"No. You'll be fine. As long as you take control of that sword."

"Take control?"

"Yes. If you let it push you around like that again, its violent nature may consume you."

I felt my stomach churn as I looked over at my sword.

"S-So that was real? I really killed him in cold blood...

I paused and looked at the ground, then back up to Bri. Reality is slowly setting in.

"What did you do to me?! What did you put in that sword?! What's going on here?!"

Bri grinned and finally turned to look me in the eyes.

"It was the element stone that YOU brought me. I didn't do anything. Whatever monster that stone came from has a wild spirit that remains even after death. If you want to continue using your blade you'll have to tame the beast, or it will tame you."

The sword glowed a faint red color in the corner of the room then returned back to black.

I stared forward at the beautiful women performing in the ring to try and calm my mind.

"By the way.... You don't have to fight again, our agreement is complete. It's your choice to decide if you'd like to continue. Either way, take these."

Bri handed me an HP and MP potion. I didn't really need them but chugged both just for the sake of it. She's right... our agreement is complete. I could walk out of here right now and never see anyone in this underground hell hole again.

I nervously looked back at my sword, then remembered the exact moment I killed that innocent man. My heart pounded and my stomach churned. The mixture of frustration, anger, and anxiety became overwhelming. I began to sweat and fidget overthinking everything. There's only one thing that puts my mind at ease in situations like this....

"I'll fight."

Bri grinned and turned back to the entertainment.


We watched the show in silence as my anxiety grew. It felt like there were eyes gazing at me from the back of the room where my sword lay.

It wasn't even glowing or emanating any energy, I think it's just pure paranoia at this point...

Finally, I heard the announcer's voice chime in as the dancers left the arena.

"I hope you all enjoyed the show! Now! It's almost time for our main event! Let's have our fighters come forward, the brawl will begin in under 5 minutes."

I looked at Bri and she nodded slowly.

"Best of luck out there."

I looked her in the eyes before putting on the black and red demon's mask. Then, turned around and grabbed my sword. I swung the door open and left without saying a word.

Again, as I walked through the crowd everyone parted all around me. No one wanted to get close. People grinned in awe, others scowled in disgust. It seems to be a mixed crowd.

I made it to the cage and the same worker from before let me in. I stood alone in the middle of the ring with all eyes on me.

I could hear the crowd's mixed reviews all around me...

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