Chapter 125

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Brutus C. Matthews, the Director of the Vice Region's Hunters Association branch smiles while sitting back into his chair.

"Excellent, it's time to get down to business. As a member of the newly formed extraction squad, you'll be farming resources for the Association. The lot-"

Before he can continue, I rudely cut the Director off mid-sentence.

"I prefer to fight alone. That's my first request."

With a nod, he continues.

"Please, let me finish. We've recruited a large number of hunters from this exam. Your group will be chosen for you, but working as a team is not necessary. Quotas must be met for proper pay, but not mandatory. All missions required by the Association will come with rewards hard for you to refuse."

Rodrigo smirks.

"He's not lying about that, they will always have offers worth taking."

I gulp.

"So... what's the catch...?"

The Director clasps his hands together and stares at me.

"There is no catch. I believe you'll be exclusively working for us, and get exclusive rewards. I've been around four times longer than you've been alive kid, I know your type. If it's power you want, this is the place to get it. I'll be able to grant you access to rare dungeons and unlimited floors in the capital's labyrinth. The resources the Association can provide will be beyond your wildest dreams."

I clench my jaw while looking into the old man's eyes. Everything he says seems reasonable... This all just sounds too good to be true...

Was it all just a sick delusional fantasy that they'd be slave drivers here? I'm not even sure where I got that idea in the first place... Was it Rodrigo? Was he just trying to scare me for the fun of it...? No.

It's just because he doesn't see my true value. That must be it. I fooled him.

I followed the A-Class' advice, not to make myself too desirable. I stood out just enough to make it seem like I'm not hiding a thing.

Maybe joining up with the government wouldn't be such a bad idea. The only hard part is, I'll have to keep my powers even more hidden the higher up the ranks I climb...

Without them, I'd be stuck in D-Class or lower dungeons for the rest of my life. There's no possible chance of trying any use of force here, that would be beyond dumb on so many levels. Using words is my best option.

After a long sigh, I reply.

"Okay. I'm interested. Let's make a deal."

With a grin, the old man reaches under his desk and takes out a pile of paperwork. He turns to his assistant, then to the A-Class sitting next to me.

"Samantha, thank you very much. It seems your skill wasn't very necessary today, but it's always a pleasure. Better safe than sorry. Rodrigo, this was your last task for our current deal. You're free to leave or stay for the rank-up celebration if you please. I'll send over notes to the main HQ to get your reward re-processed, you know we'll take good care of you."

Rodrigo gets up, shakes the Director's hand, and turns to leave.

"It was nice meeting you, Jay. Welcome to the Association. Careful out there... As much as I hate to say it, I have a hunch we'll be seeing each other again soon."

He waves goodbye, and I muster out a "See ya!" As both him and Samantha get on the elevator and head downstairs.

I turn to the Director. He slides me a few different piles of paperwork along with my C-Class ID. I begin reading.

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