Chapter 15

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We stepped out of the dungeon portal back into our home world.

Abby waved and walked over to the two security guards sitting in front of the old theatre entrance. She said something to one of them and turned to me.

"Jay show them your Hunter's License."

"Okay sure."

I took out my license and put it on the small counter in front of them. They made a note of something and nodded.

"Allllrightty, we're good to go."

I took my license back with a bit of a confused look on my face.

"You're registered as my guest! You can enter this dungeon as much as you'd like to train before it's open to the public in a few days. You're going to need it."

Abby giggled as we started walking back towards the direction of the village market and Alpine Square Dungeon. The sun was setting as well, it was a pretty sight.

We walked past Alpine Square and into the village market. I made the notion to Abby that there was a specific shop I liked to go to, she understood. We walked up to the old merchant's shop moments later.

"Hey kid, how's it going? Who's the lucky lady?"

I knew he was teasing me, but I hardly had the energy for it right now. I smiled and threw my two mana crystals on the counter.

"This is Abby, she's just a friend. Don't get the wrong idea old man. How much can I get for these today?"

He placed the two crystals on the measuring dish and the big black numbers read out 71.3MU.

"I can do 70 bronze coins, nice haul today kid. Where'd you get these crystals? This isn't the Alpine boss."

"Yeah we checked out a different E Class dungeon today, looks like I grew out of the starter dungeon."

I smiled and nodded. The old merchant looked a bit impressed and started counting out bronze coins for me.

I took the coins a moment later and started shoving them awkwardly into my back pockets. They barely all fit.

Abby laughed, the merchant smirked as he took the mana crystals off the measuring dish.

"Okay how much can I get for these??"

Abby dumped her haul of crystals directly onto the measuring dish. The screen read 613.4MU. The shop keeper's eyes lit up a bit.

"Now we're talking. We don't get a haul like this everyday in the village market. I'll give you 6 silver for these."

"Works for me!"

The merchant counted out 6 shiny silver coins and placed them on the counter. Abby took them and bobbed her head with a smile.

"Time to eattttt. I starvingggg."

"You can say that again... I know a good bar, this way."

There's a local bar called CJ's with decent food and good drinks. I stop by here pretty often after a long day of hunting. We made our way over and sat down a few minutes later.

"Hey Mark, can I get my regular? The chicken club with fries, and the biggest draft beer ya got?"

The bar tender smiled and nodded as he finished pouring another customer's drink.

"Sure thing Jay, 5 bronze. It'll be out in a few minutes."

Abby lifted her hand in the direction of the bar tender.

"I'll have what he's having, double it!"

I nodded and handed Mark 10 bronze.

A few minutes later our food and drinks came. I couldn't wait to eat, I could only assume Abby felt the same. We dug in.

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