Chapter 81

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[Test 1][Time Remaining: 43 Hours]

I use enemy detection to navigate through the rest of the rat dungeon avoiding as many monsters as possible.

By the time we make it to the boss room I can sense over 30 teams scattered across the wasteland behind us. It seems our detour allowed for a lot of other parties to catch up.

We enter the boss room.

It's a dark and damp cave-like room. I instantly hear the scraping claws of rats coming our way.

Maria glows blue and looks at me.

"I'll handle this one."

I nod.

A wave of rodents appears from the backside of the cave followed by their leader. It's a giant mutant rat, similar to the one we fought on that hill earlier.

Maria charges forward freezing the oncoming wave while jumping through the air and aiming her sword at the mutant's neck.


She turns to me with a grin as the large rat's frozen head falls to the floor shattering into ice.

"Three down"

I walk over to her and reply.

"Seven to go."

The rats begin to disappear. We collect the mana crystals while waiting for the transfer magic to kick in. Moments later, a white light brings us to the next floor.

The sky is bright blue and there isn't a cloud in the sky. The grass is short and light green. It's covering rolling hills with occasional trees.

I smile.

"Now this is more like it."

I use enemy detection and inspect to quickly survey the area.

It seems like there's a decent amount of monsters in the area, but they travel in groups of 1 or 2 at most. They're all between levels 90 and 110. I can only sense 6 teams ahead of us at the moment. That is, in this dungeon anyway.

We begin walking forward.

After about 20 minutes of peacefully taking in the artificial sunlight and beautiful blue sky our first pair of monsters appear.

Two light blue globs of liquid creep over a hill in front of us. I turn to Maria.

"Slimes. I've fought these before. Physical attacks won't hurt them, we'll have to use only magic."

She nods.

"Got it."

Without much effort, we both run up the hill and destroy the slimes in our path with Fire and Ice.

We continue running forward deeper into the slime dungeon. That peaceful walk was nice, but It's time to pick up the pace again.

I continue leading the way to avoid nearby teams. Our path isn't exactly straight, but Maria doesn't seem to mind. As we approach the boss room I sense a team of 3 standing in place.

I use inspect and enemy detection.


[Lv. 266]

[Lv. 259]

[Lv. 255]

I turn to Maria and point out the specs of people in the distance.

"We have company. Looks like they're standing outside the boss room."

She nods and we slow down to cautiously approach them.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now