Chapter 49

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The injured flaming Minotaurs came charging at me in a fit of rage. These two aren't the problem though. I can doge their attacks all day and kill them whenever I please. Their leader is the real issue. I haven't gauged its full strength yet, but its definitely higher than mine.

My best course of action is to take these two out first. I have a few healing potions, I can handle another hit or two... I'll use the same strategy as before.

We all charged in towards each other.

I blocked the two axe hits with my hardened arm and landed another double strike on the two weaker monsters while absorbing some MP in the process.

The leader was close behind and attacked immediately just like before. I braced myself and tried to concentrate even more hardening on my arm to see if I could block the attack if I had full focus.

The leaders large axe came down and made contact with my ultra hardened arm.

"Aggghhh bad idea..."

The second it made impact I heard a crack and saw black crystal fragments fly out in all directions while a sharp pain traveled through my arm and into my shoulder.

It worked a little bit... but my arm is definitely still fractured in multiple places. I need to get better positioning and try blocking with my sword next time if I get the chance.

I jumped back and distanced myself to check my stats and regenerate. It read 485/805 HP, and 680/805 MP.

Not bad.... Just one more time should open things up.

I charged back in and did a picture perfect attack. The two front Minotaurs fell to the ground in a pool of their own blood and my flames. Three good attacks seems to be just enough for me to defeat normal monsters here.

[Level Up]

I blocked another attack while sacrificing my hardened arm one last time before running back about 20m to recuperate and plan for the actual battle at hand here.

My stats read out 355/810 HP, 685/810 MP. As the lone leader eyed me down I took the time to chug an HP potion back up to full health. I could have waited a bit longer, but it's a common sense safety precaution here.

We both charged forward. I ignited my blade in fire and the beast raised its axe.


We met weapons with a clash of flames, sparks, and grunts from both sides. In the end, I was totally overpowered...

The monster's axe came crushing down. I held my own in the test of strength for a few milliseconds, but in the end it was a one sided match up. The Minotaurs axe completely trumped my sword's power and it came crashing down towards me with little resistance. I was forced to retreat and jump backwards.

This feels like some of my old battles... I haven't faced a truly superior opponent in a while. I grinned and stared down the beast as it grunted and started charging towards me again.

I'll have to use my speed to defeat this one, brute strength isn't going to cut it.

I ran forward with my sword ablaze. The monster swung its axe downward and I dodged without attempting to counter it at all. With a swift fiery strike I sliced open its leg as I ran by.

This is a pretty nostalgic feeling. It's almost like I'm fighting that wolf boss from my home town again. Good times.

I smirked and faced the beast once more. We charged forward and I dodged to the opposite side to land a hit on its other leg. The beast cried out. This wasn't much damage to a monster like this, but it was definitely getting very annoyed.

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