Chapter 175

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Through the heavy Iron doors, I watch over two dozen 3-meter-tall suits of silver armor walk out.

They all seem to have humanoid-looking bodies, but there's no gaps in the armor at all. I can't see what their base forms look like. They carry silver swords and make loud metallic thuds of metal on stone with every step.

They march out in a line without missing a beat.

The buzzing sound and tingling feeling of mana in the air begins to grow making it hard to hear myself think.

I boost my perception skill, along with Inspect and Appraisal to analyze the opponents before me.


[Lv. 430]

Active Items:

[Enchanted Armor Set] +1750 Defense

[Enchanted Long Sword] +1750 Strength

Active Skills:



With a puzzled look on my face, I scan each and every one of the slowly approaching armored guards.

They're all the same. Exactly the same.

Every last one of them is level 430, and they all have the same armor and sword without a single skill.

"What... is going on here...?"

My sword is charged up nearly halfway, a 30-second burst of about 675MP. My recent level-ups have given me a slight boost in charging speed.

I continue to slowly approach, watching one of the Knights break their symmetrical line formation and begin moving at me with increased speed.

I let out an exhale, then run forward at the Knight to match its speed. I wanted to test out the base mobs here, so that's exactly what I'll do.

Once within a 10-meter range, I swing my sword and let the blade of energy fly.

Cautiously, I Dungeon Walk backward to watch the attack unfold.

It collides with the Silver Knight's long sword, letting out a clang, followed by a flash of white light, then the dazzling display of a fiery explosion.

Before the dust even settles, I hear the heavy metal footsteps of the Knight running through the fire at me with its sword at the ready.

"Hardy a scratch..."

There's a small dent in the side of its chest plate. A few fragments of metal hit the floor, but the attack didn't hit its body, only the armor. Unfortunately, this is nowhere near enough to penetrate its defenses fully.

I scoff, teleporting back even further away from this battlefield, and call out to Ember.

"You're up, take a crack at them."

The black-scaled Dragon nods while flapping his wings and lifting off into the air to join the brawl.

He dives down on the Knight that attacked me, clawing at its armor. After the sounds of metal breaking and mana shield collisions the silver Knight's arm tears off completely.

Ember flies up into the sky as I start to charge my blade again, hesitant to even join in on this battle.

My mana control is nowhere near refined enough to be of any help.

I grit my teeth, watching the Dragon swoop down and claw off its other arm, heavily damaging the Knight's chest plate in the process.

My eyes widen as I see what's inside the suit...

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