Chapter 5

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I slowly walked home thinking about the last few hours in my head over and over like it was a dream.  When I got to my apartment building I walked up the small staircase to my door, twisted the key, and went inside.

I threw the mana crystal onto my desk, put the long sword up against the wall next to my closet, took off my clothes and boots, then turned on a steaming hot shower. I scrubbed every last speck of dirt and blood until my skin hurt, then I just stood there and let the hot water roll down my back.

Once I was content I turned the water off, dried myself with a new towel, threw on some boxers and jumped in bed.

It was about noon, but I was too exhausted to care. Within a few minutes I was fast asleep.

Around 8 or 9 at night I finally woke up with my stomach growling, I needed some good food asap. I put on my other pair of black jeans with no holes in the knees and a random black tee from my closet, threw on my boots then stood and stretched a bit. I grabbed the mana crystal on my desk and walked out the door to the village market, it was Friday night so there was bound to be something good open tonight.

I walked up to the old merchant I used to sell my mana crystals to. I toss him the crystal I had acquired earlier in the day.

"How much can I get for this one?"

He looked at me with his right eyebrow raised a bit and placed the crystal on the measuring dish. In big black numbers I saw "41.3MU".

"Now that's quite a rock you brought in today, I'll give ya 40 bronze coins for it."


He took the crystal and placed it in a drawer under the shop counter. Then he pulled out 40 bronze coins.

"U-uhh I didn't think this through."

I said as I awkwardly shoved all the coins into my left pocket. The merchant laughed a little.

"Pleasure doing business with you, hope I see you again soon!"

I turned and smiled.

"You too, I'll drop by tomorrow morning I have a sword I'd like you to look at."

"Alright, I'm looking forward to it."

I went straight to the bar, ordered a huge plate of wings and a draft beer. I needed a full belly, and an empty mind.

I stayed for a few more hours and drank a few more beers. Nothing crazy, just enough to have a good time and relax a bit. Around midnight I went back home and managed to fall asleep again for a few hours.

I woke up very early the next morning with a few things on my mind. I needed to get this sword checked out, and I needed to report what happened in the dungeon to the Hunters Association.

If it were up to me I'd keep it a secret, but it was known in some circles that I was the porter on this particular squad of 5 for quite a while now. The fact that they were all just missing and I was still walking around would slowly become rather suspicious. It's better that I file a report ASAP. There may still be some backlash because I was a lone survivor. People will have their theories, but at least I won't get in trouble with the Hunters Association if I just report it today.

After last night I had about 26 bronze coins left over from the mana crystal I sold, add that to the 33 I had in my bedside table and that's 59 bronze coins on total.

I'm broke... and out of a job.

I guess I'll have to go back to hunting goblins, especially after this news gets out, no one will want to party with me.

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